
Lubomyr T. Romankiw

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5EEEmanuel I. Cooper, Christian Bonhôte, Jürgen Heidmann, Yimin Hsu, Philippe Kern, John W. Lam, Murali Ramasubramanian, Neil Robertson, Lubomyr T. Romankiw, Hong Xu: Recent developments in high-moment electroplated materials for recording heads. IBM Journal of Research and Development 49(1): 103-126 (2005)
4EESol Krongelb, Lubomyr T. Romankiw, James A. Tornello: Electrochemical process for advanced package fabrication. IBM Journal of Research and Development 42(5): 575-586 (1998)
3EEEugene J. O'Sullivan, Emanuel I. Cooper, Lubomyr T. Romankiw, Keith T. Kwietniak, Philip Louis Trouilloud, Jean Horkans, Christopher V. Jahnes, Inna V. Babich, Sol Krongelb, Suryanarayan G. Hegde, James A. Tornello, Nancy C. LaBianca, John M. Cotte, Timothy J. Chainer: Integrated, variable-reluctance magnetic minimotor. IBM Journal of Research and Development 42(5): 681-694 (1998)
2 Hariklia Deligianni, Lubomyr T. Romankiw: In situ surface pH measurement during electrolysis using a rotating pH electrode. IBM Journal of Research and Development 37(2): 85-96 (1993)
1 Christopher H. Bajorek, Charles W. Coker Jr., Lubomyr T. Romankiw, David A. Thompson: Hand-Held Magnetoresistive Transducer. IBM Journal of Research and Development 18(6): 541-546 (1974)

Coauthor Index

1Inna V. Babich [3]
2Christopher H. Bajorek [1]
3Christian Bonhôte [5]
4Timothy J. Chainer [3]
5Charles W. Coker Jr. [1]
6Emanuel I. Cooper [3] [5]
7John M. Cotte [3]
8Hariklia Deligianni [2]
9Suryanarayan G. Hegde [3]
10Jürgen Heidmann [5]
11Jean Horkans [3]
12Yimin Hsu [5]
13Christopher V. Jahnes [3]
14Philippe Kern [5]
15Sol Krongelb [3] [4]
16Keith T. Kwietniak [3]
17Nancy C. LaBianca [3]
18John W. Lam [5]
19Eugene J. O'Sullivan [3]
20Murali Ramasubramanian [5]
21Neil Robertson [5]
22David A. Thompson [1]
23James A. Tornello [3] [4]
24Philip Louis Trouilloud [3]
25Hong Xu [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)