
Jeffrey S. Rohl

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16EEJeffrey S. Rohl: The Influence of Programming Languages on the Design of MU5. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 21(1): 34-37 (1999)
15 Jeffrey S. Rohl: Ord-Smith's Pseudo-Lexicographical Permutation Procedure is the Tompkins-Paige Algorithm. Comput. J. 34(6): 569-570 (1991)
14 Jeffrey S. Rohl: Reversing is Not Inherent in Lexiocographical Permutation Generation. Comput. J. 33(3): 274-278 (1990)
13 Jeffrey S. Rohl: Towers of Hanoi: The Derivation of Some Iterative Versions. Comput. J. 30(1): 70-76 (1987)
12 Jeffrey S. Rohl, Tamás D. Gedeon: The Reve's Puzzle. Comput. J. 29(2): 187-188 (1986)
11 Jeffrey S. Rohl: A Faster Lexicographical N Queens Algorithm. Inf. Process. Lett. 17(5): 231-233 (1983)
10 Jeffrey S. Rohl: Eliminating Recursion from Combinatoric Procedures. Softw., Pract. Exper. 11(8): 803-817 (1981)
9 Jeffrey S. Rohl: Why Recursion? Language Design and Programming Methodology 1979: 71-84
8 Jeffrey S. Rohl: Generating Permutations by Choosing. Comput. J. 21(4): 302-305 (1978)
7 Jeffrey S. Rohl: Converting a Class of Recursive Procedures into Non-recursive Ones. Softw., Pract. Exper. 7(2): 231-238 (1977)
6 Jeffrey S. Rohl: Programming Improvements to Fike's Algorithm for Generating Permutations. Comput. J. 19(2): 156-159 (1976)
5 Jeffrey S. Rohl, H. D. Ellison, R. J. Collins: An In-Core Batching Standard FORTRAN Compiler for Large ICL 1900 Machine. Softw., Pract. Exper. 5(1): 19-28 (1975)
4EEJeffrey S. Rohl, J. A. Linn: A note on compiling arithmetic expressions. Comput. J. 15(1): 13-14 (1972)
3EEP. C. Capon, D. Morris, Jeffrey S. Rohl, I. R. Wilson: The MU5 compiler target language and autocode. Comput. J. 15(2): 109-112 (1972)
2 Jeffrey S. Rohl, G. Cordingley: List Processing Facilities in Atlas Autocode. Comput. J. 13(1): 20-24 (1970)
1 T. Kilburn, D. Morris, Jeffrey S. Rohl, F. H. Sumner: A system design proposal. IFIP Congress (2) 1968: 806-811

Coauthor Index

1P. C. Capon [3]
2R. J. Collins [5]
3G. Cordingley [2]
4H. D. Ellison [5]
5Tamás D. Gedeon (Tom Gedeon) [12]
6T. Kilburn [1]
7J. A. Linn [4]
8D. Morris [1] [3]
9F. H. Sumner [1]
10I. R. Wilson [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)