
P. C. Capon

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5 Roland N. Ibbett, P. C. Capon, Nigel P. Topham: MU6V: A Parallel Vector Processing System. ISCA 1985: 136-144
4 Howard Barringer, P. C. Capon, R. Philips: The Portable Compiling Systems of MUSS. Softw., Pract. Exper. 9(8): 645-655 (1979)
3 Roland N. Ibbett, P. C. Capon: The Development of the MU5 Computer System. Commun. ACM 21(1): 13-24 (1978)
2EEP. C. Capon, D. Morris, Jeffrey S. Rohl, I. R. Wilson: The MU5 compiler target language and autocode. Comput. J. 15(2): 109-112 (1972)
1 D. Morris, I. R. Wilson, P. C. Capon: A System Program Generator. Comput. J. 13(3): 248-254 (1970)

Coauthor Index

1Howard Barringer [4]
2Roland N. Ibbett [3] [5]
3D. Morris [1] [2]
4R. Philips [4]
5Jeffrey S. Rohl [2]
6Nigel P. Topham [5]
7I. R. Wilson [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)