
James Rogers

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13EEJames Rogers: Wrapping of Trees. ACL 2004: 558-565
12 James Rogers: wMSO theories as grammar formalisms. Theor. Comput. Sci. 293(2): 291-320 (2003)
11 James Rogers: A Descriptive Characterization of Tree-Adjoining Languages (Project Note). COLING-ACL 1998: 1117-1121
10EEJames Rogers: A Descriptive Characterization of Tree-Adjoining Languages (Full Version) CoRR cmp-lg/9805008: (1998)
9 James Rogers: A Model-Theoretic Framework for Theories of Syntax. ACL 1996: 10-16
8EEJames Rogers: Strict LT2 : Regular : : Local : Recognizable. LACL 1996: 366-385
7EEJames Rogers: A Model-Theoretic Framework for Theories of Syntax CoRR cmp-lg/9604023: (1996)
6EEJames Rogers: On Descriptive Complexity, Language Complexity, and GB CoRR cmp-lg/9505041: (1995)
5 Rolf Backofen, James Rogers, K. Vijay-Shanker: A First-Order Axiomatization of the Theory of Finite Trees. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 4(1): 5-39 (1995)
4 James Rogers: Capturing CFLs with Tree Adjoining Grammars. ACL 1994: 155-162
3 James Rogers, K. Vijay-Shanker: Obtaining Trees from their Descriptions: An Application to Tree-Adjoining Grammars. Computational Intelligence 10: 401-421 (1994)
2 James Rogers, K. Vijay-Shanker: Reasoning with Descriptions of Trees. ACL 1992: 72-80
1 Nancy Orlando, Kathy H. Abbott, James Rogers: Artificial Intelligence Research at NASA Langley Research Center. AI Magazine 5(3): 79-80 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Kathy H. Abbott [1]
2Rolf Backofen [5]
3Nancy Orlando [1]
4K. Vijay-Shanker [2] [3] [5]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)