
Enric Rodríguez-Carbonell

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14EEMiquel Bofill, Robert Nieuwenhuis, Albert Oliveras, Enric Rodríguez-Carbonell, Albert Rubio: The Barcelogic SMT Solver. CAV 2008: 294-298
13EERoberto Asín, Robert Nieuwenhuis, Albert Oliveras, Enric Rodríguez-Carbonell: Efficient Generation of Unsatisfiability Proofs and Cores in SAT. LPAR 2008: 16-30
12EEMarc Bezem, Robert Nieuwenhuis, Enric Rodríguez-Carbonell: The Max-Atom Problem and Its Relevance. LPAR 2008: 47-61
11EEGermain Faure, Robert Nieuwenhuis, Albert Oliveras, Enric Rodríguez-Carbonell: SAT Modulo the Theory of Linear Arithmetic: Exact, Inexact and Commercial Solvers. SAT 2008: 77-90
10EEMarc Bezem, Robert Nieuwenhuis, Enric Rodríguez-Carbonell: Exponential behaviour of the Butkovic-Zimmermann algorithm for solving two-sided linear systems in max-algebra. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(18): 3506-3509 (2008)
9EERobert Nieuwenhuis, Albert Oliveras, Enric Rodríguez-Carbonell, Albert Rubio: Challenges in Satisfiability Modulo Theories. RTA 2007: 2-18
8EEEnric Rodríguez-Carbonell, Deepak Kapur: Generating all polynomial invariants in simple loops. J. Symb. Comput. 42(4): 443-476 (2007)
7EEEnric Rodríguez-Carbonell, Deepak Kapur: Automatic generation of polynomial invariants of bounded degree using abstract interpretation. Sci. Comput. Program. 64(1): 54-75 (2007)
6EEEnric Rodríguez-Carbonell, Ashish Tiwari: Generating Polynomial Invariants for Hybrid Systems. HSCC 2005: 590-605
5EERobert Clarisó, Enric Rodríguez-Carbonell, Jordi Cortadella: Derivation of Non-structural Invariants of Petri Nets Using Abstract Interpretation. ICATPN 2005: 188-207
4EERoberto Bagnara, Enric Rodríguez-Carbonell, Enea Zaffanella: Generation of Basic Semi-algebraic Invariants Using Convex Polyhedra. SAS 2005: 19-34
3EEEnric Rodríguez-Carbonell, Deepak Kapur: Program Verification Using Automatic Generation of Invariants. ICTAC 2004: 325-340
2EEEnric Rodríguez-Carbonell, Deepak Kapur: Automatic generation of polynomial loop. ISSAC 2004: 266-273
1EEEnric Rodríguez-Carbonell, Deepak Kapur: An Abstract Interpretation Approach for Automatic Generation of Polynomial Invariants. SAS 2004: 280-295

Coauthor Index

1Roberto Asín [13]
2Roberto Bagnara [4]
3Marc Bezem [10] [12]
4Miquel Bofill [14]
5Robert Clarisó [5]
6Jordi Cortadella [5]
7Germain Faure [11]
8Deepak Kapur [1] [2] [3] [7] [8]
9Robert Nieuwenhuis [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
10Albert Oliveras [9] [11] [13] [14]
11Albert Rubio [9] [14]
12Ashish Tiwari [6]
13Enea Zaffanella [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)