
Francisco Rodríguez

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12EEAndrzej Pawlowski, José Luis Guzman, Francisco Rodríguez, Manuel Berenguel, José Sánchez, Sebastián Dormido: Event-based control and wireless sensor network for greenhouse diurnal temperature control: A simulated case study. ETFA 2008: 500-507
11EEJosé Luis Guzman, Manuel Berenguel, Francisco Rodríguez, Sebastián Dormido: An interactive tool for mobile robot motion planning. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(5): 396-409 (2008)
10EEAngel Perles Ivars, Antonio Martí Campoy, Francisco Rodríguez, Juan José Serrano, Miguel A. Mateo: Experiences on Parallel Replicated Discrete-Event Simulation on a GRID. GCC 2005: 334-344
9EEAntonio Martí Campoy, E. Tamura, S. Sáez, Francisco Rodríguez, José V. Busquets-Mataix: On Using Locking Caches in Embedded Real-Time Systems. ICESS 2005: 150-159
8EEFrancisco Rodríguez, Juan José Serrano: Control Flow Error Checking with ISIS. ICESS 2005: 659-670
7EEJosé M. Rocha-Pérez, Jorge Pedraza, Francisco Rodríguez, Federico Sandoval Ibarra: Electrical Characterization of a Polymeric Sensor for Hydrocarbon Spillage Detection. CONIELECOMP 2004: 190-195
6EEAntonio Martí Campoy, Francisco Rodríguez, Angel Perles Ivars: Tuning Genetic Algorithms for Real Time Systems Using a Grid. PDCAT 2004: 531-538
5EEFrancisco Rodríguez, José Carlos Campelo, Juan José Serrano: A Memory Overhead valuation of the Interleaved Signature Instruction Stream. DFT 2002: 225-232
4EEFrancisco Rodríguez, José Carlos Campelo, Juan José Serrano: A Watchdog Processor Architecture with Minimal Performance Overhead. SAFECOMP 2002: 261-272
3 José Carlos Campelo, Pedro Yuste, Francisco Rodríguez, Pedro J. Gil, Juan José Serrano: Dependability Evaluation of Fault Tolerant Distributed Industrial Control Systems. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1999: 384-388
2EEJosé Carlos Campelo, Pedro Yuste, Francisco Rodríguez, Pedro J. Gil, Juan José Serrano: Hierarchical Reliability and Safety Models of Fault Tolerant Distributed Industrial Control Systems. SAFECOMP 1999: 202-215
1EEJosé Carlos Campelo, Francisco Rodríguez, Pedro J. Gil, Juan José Serrano: Design and Validation of a Distributed Industrial Control System's Nodes. SRDS 1999: 300-301

Coauthor Index

1Manuel Berenguel [11] [12]
2José V. Busquets-Mataix [9]
3José Carlos Campelo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
4Antonio Martí Campoy [6] [9] [10]
5Sebastián Dormido [11] [12]
6Pedro J. Gil [1] [2] [3]
7José Luis Guzman [11] [12]
8Federico Sandoval Ibarra [7]
9Angel Perles Ivars [6] [10]
10Miguel A. Mateo [10]
11Andrzej Pawlowski [12]
12Jorge Pedraza [7]
13José M. Rocha-Pérez [7]
14S. Sáez [9]
15José Sánchez [12]
16Juan José Serrano [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [10]
17E. Tamura [9]
18Pedro Yuste [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)