
Buenaventura Clares Rodríguez

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6 Juan Carlos Torres, Buenaventura Clares Rodríguez: Understanding Direct Manipulation Interaction Algebraically. DSV-IS 1994: 429-444
5 Juan Carlos Torres, Buenaventura Clares Rodríguez: A Formal Approach to the Specification of Graphic Objects Functions. Comput. Graph. Forum 13(3): 371-380 (1994)
4 Salvador Villena, Emilia Ruiz, Cecilia Delgado, Buenaventura Clares Rodríguez: Deduccion del Conjunto de Condiciones Independiente de la Transaccion que Violan las Restricciones de Integridad de una Base de datos Deductiva. GULP 1993: 485-500
3 Juan Carlos Torres, Buenaventura Clares Rodríguez: Graphic Objects: A Mathematical Abstract Model for Computer Graphics. Comput. Graph. Forum 12(5): 311-327 (1993)
2 Salvador Villena, Buenaventura Clares Rodríguez: Specification of Information Systems by State Machine Deduced from Deductive Conceptual Models. DAISD 1992: 49-79
1 Vilena Morales, Ruiz Martín, Cecilia Delgado Negrete, Buenaventura Clares Rodríguez: Efficient Implementation of Deductive Database Based on the Method of Potential Effects. DEXA 1992: 545-546

Coauthor Index

1Cecilia Delgado (Cecilia Delgado Negrete) [1] [4]
2Ruiz Martín [1]
3Vilena Morales [1]
4Emilia Ruiz [4]
5Juan Carlos Torres [3] [5] [6]
6Salvador Villena [2] [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)