
Jonathan C. Roberts

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15EEEdward Suvanaphen, Jonathan C. Roberts: Visualizing Evolving Searches with EvoBerry. IV 2007: 238-244
14EEJonathan C. Roberts, Sabrina Paneels: Where are we with Haptic Visualization? WHC 2007: 316-323
13EEJonathan C. Roberts, Michael A. E. Wright: Towards Ubiquitous Brushing for Information Visualization. IV 2006: 151-156
12EEJonathan C. Roberts, Keith M. Franklin: Haptic Glyphs (Hlyphs) -- Structured Haptic Objects for Haptic Visualization. WHC 2005: 369-374
11 Simone Frau, Jonathan C. Roberts, Nadia Boukhelifa: Dynamic Coordinated Email Visualization. WSCG (Full Papers) 2005: 187-193
10EEJonathan C. Roberts: Exploratory visualization using bracketing. AVI 2004: 188-192
9EEEdward Suvanaphen, Jonathan C. Roberts: Explicit verses Implicit: An Analysis of a Multiple Search Result Visualization. IV 2004: 731-736
8EEKeith M. Franklin, Jonathan C. Roberts: A Path Based Model for Sonification. IV 2004: 865-870
7EEEdward Suvanaphen, Jonathan C. Roberts: Textual Difference Visualization of Multiple Search Results utilizing Detail in Context. TPCG 2004: 2-8
6 Ebad Banissi, Katy Börner, Chaomei Chen, Gordon Clapworthy, Carsten Maple, Amy Lobben, Christopher J. Moore, Jonathan C. Roberts, Anna Ursyn, Jian Zhang: Seventh International Conference on Information Visualization, IV 2003, 16-18 July 2003, London, UK IEEE Computer Society 2003
5EEJonathan C. Roberts, Edward Suvanaphen: Visual Bracketing for Web search Result Visualization. IV 2003: 264-271
4EEKeith M. Franklin, Jonathan C. Roberts: Pie Chart Sonification. IV 2003: 4-9
3EEJonathan C. Roberts: Guest editor's introduction: special issue on coordinated and multiple views in exploratory visualization. Information Visualization 2(4): 199-200 (2003)
2EEJonathan C. Roberts: Display Models for Visualization. IV 1999: 200-
1EEJonathan C. Roberts: On Encouraging Multiple Views for Visualisation. IV 1998: 8-

Coauthor Index

1Ebad Banissi [6]
2Katy Börner [6]
3Nadia Boukhelifa [11]
4Chaomei Chen [6]
5Gordon Clapworthy [6]
6Keith M. Franklin [4] [8] [12]
7Simone Frau [11]
8Amy Lobben [6]
9Carsten Maple [6]
10Christopher J. Moore [6]
11Sabrina Paneels [14]
12Edward Suvanaphen [5] [7] [9] [15]
13Anna Ursyn [6]
14Michael A. E. Wright [13]
15Jian Zhang [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)