
Maher E. Rizkalla

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10 Amer Ibrahim, Dan Chappell, Mohamed El-Sharkawy, Dongsoo Kim, Maher E. Rizkalla: Modified DTTL for 16QAM Symbol Recovery of DOCSIS 2.0 Standards. Computers and Their Applications 2008: 169-174
9EEMaher E. Rizkalla, Paul Salama, Mohamed El-Sharkawy, Modukuri Sushmitha: Hardware Implementation of Block-based Motion Estimation for Real Time Applications. VLSI Signal Processing 49(1): 139-159 (2007)
8 Manjari Mishra, Mohamed El-Sharkawy, Maher E. Rizkalla, Paul Salama: Reversible Integer-to-Integer Wavelet Transform for the H.264 Advanced Video Codec Standard. Computers and Their Applications 2006: 145-151
7EEPaul Salama, Maher E. Rizkalla, Michael Eckbauer: VHDL Implementation of the Fast Wavelet Transform. VLSI Signal Processing 42(3): 223-239 (2006)
6 Maher E. Rizkalla, Ebtsam R. Rizkalla, Harry C. Gundrum: Remote Linear Pressure Sensing Vibration Device for Biomedical Applications. Computers and Their Applications 2002: 106-109
5 Maher E. Rizkalla, Mark M. Budnik, Mohamed El-Sharkawy, Akhouri S. C. Sinha, Harry C. Gundrum: Noise Reduction Techniques for Multi-Channels for Analog VLSI Applications. Computers and Their Applications 2002: 148-151
4 Maher E. Rizkalla, Mark M. Budnik, Mohamed El-Sharkawy, Akhouri S. C. Sinha, Harry C. Gundrum: Minimizing Cross Talk between Multi-Channels Instrumentation Amp. Using Guard Rings. Computers and Their Applications 2002: 152-155
3EEAkhouri S. C. Sinha, Mohamed El-Sharkawy, Maher E. Rizkalla: Further results on stabilization of a non-stationary system with delays. Int. J. Systems Science 28(5): 523-527 (1997)
2EEMaher E. Rizkalla, Richard L. Aldridge, Nadeem A. Khan, Harry C. Gundrum: A CMOS VLSI Implementation of an NxN Multiplexing Circuitry for ATM Applications. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1996: 256-259
1 Miklos T. Kara, Maher E. Rizkalla: Single op-amp proportional-integral compensator with antiwindup. ISCAS 1993: 2260-2263

Coauthor Index

1Richard L. Aldridge [2]
2Mark M. Budnik [4] [5]
3Dan Chappell [10]
4Michael Eckbauer [7]
5Mohamed El-Sharkawy [3] [4] [5] [8] [9] [10]
6Harry C. Gundrum [2] [4] [5] [6]
7Amer Ibrahim [10]
8Miklos T. Kara [1]
9Nadeem A. Khan [2]
10Dongsoo Kim [10]
11Manjari Mishra [8]
12Ebtsam R. Rizkalla [6]
13Paul Salama [7] [8] [9]
14Akhouri S. C. Sinha [3] [4] [5]
15Modukuri Sushmitha [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)