
Stéphane Rivière

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8EEStéphane Rivière, Dominique Schmitt: Two-dimensional line space Voronoi Diagram. ISVD 2007: 168-175
7EESébastien Aubourg, Véronique Brunaud, Clémence Bruyère, Mark Cock, Richard Cooke, Annick Cottet, Arnaud Couloux, Patrice Déhais, Gilbert Deléage, Aymeric Duclert, Manuel Echeverria, Aimée Eschbach, Denis Falconet, Ghislain Filippi, Christine Gaspin, Christophe Geourjon, Jean-Michel Grienenberger, Guy Houlné, Elisabeth Jamet, Frédéric Lechauve, Olivier Leleu, Philippe Leroy, Régis Mache, Christian Meyer, Hafed Nedjari, Ioan Negrutiu, Valérie Orsini, Eric Peyretaillade, Cyril Pommier, Jeroen Raes, Jean-Loup Risler, Stéphane Rivière, Stephane Rombauts, Pierre Rouzé, Michel Schneider, Philippe Schwob, Ian Small, Ghislain Soumayet-Kampetenga, Darko Stankovski, Claire Toffano, Michael Tognolli, Michel Caboche, Alain Lecharny: GeneFarm, structural and functional annotation of Arabidopsis gene and protein families by a network of experts. Nucleic Acids Research 33(Database-Issue): 641-646 (2005)
6 Stéphane Rivière: Walking in the visibility complex with applications to visibility polygons and dynamic visibility. CCCG 1997
5EEStéphane Rivière: Dynamic Visibility in Polygonal Scenes with the Visibility Complex. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1997: 421-423
4EEFrédo Durand, Rachel Orti, Stéphane Rivière, Claude Puech: Radiosity in Flatland Made Visibly Simple: Using the Visibility Complex for Lighting Simulation of Dynamic Scenes in Flatland. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1996: V-11-V-12
3 Rachel Orti, Frédo Durand, Stéphane Rivière, Claude Puech: Using the Visibility Complex for Radiosity Computation. WACG 1996: 177-190
2EERachel Orti, Stéphane Rivière, Frédo Durand, Claude Puech: Radiosity for Dynamic Scenes in Flatland with the Visibility Complex. Comput. Graph. Forum 15(3): 237-248 (1996)
1EEStéphane Rivière: Topologically Sweeping the Visibility Complex of Polygonal Scenes. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1995: C36-C37

Coauthor Index

1Sébastien Aubourg [7]
2Véronique Brunaud [7]
3Clémence Bruyère [7]
4Michel Caboche [7]
5Mark Cock [7]
6Richard Cooke [7]
7Annick Cottet [7]
8Arnaud Couloux [7]
9Patrice Déhais [7]
10Gilbert Deléage [7]
11Aymeric Duclert [7]
12Frédo Durand [2] [3] [4]
13Manuel Echeverria [7]
14Aimée Eschbach [7]
15Denis Falconet [7]
16Ghislain Filippi [7]
17Christine Gaspin [7]
18Christophe Geourjon [7]
19Jean-Michel Grienenberger [7]
20Guy Houlné [7]
21Elisabeth Jamet [7]
22Alain Lecharny [7]
23Frédéric Lechauve [7]
24Olivier Leleu [7]
25Philippe Leroy [7]
26Régis Mache [7]
27Christian Meyer [7]
28Hafed Nedjari [7]
29Ioan Negrutiu [7]
30Valérie Orsini [7]
31Rachel Orti [2] [3] [4]
32Eric Peyretaillade [7]
33Cyril Pommier [7]
34Claude Puech [2] [3] [4]
35Jeroen Raes [7]
36Jean-Loup Risler [7]
37Stephane Rombauts [7]
38Pierre Rouzé [7]
39Dominique Schmitt [8]
40Michel Schneider [7]
41Philippe Schwob [7]
42Ian Small [7]
43Ghislain Soumayet-Kampetenga [7]
44Darko Stankovski [7]
45Claire Toffano [7]
46Michael Tognolli [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)