
Jean-Loup Risler

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12EESophie Pasek, Jean-Loup Risler, Pierre Brézellec: Gene fusion/fission is a major contributor to evolution of multi-domain bacterial proteins. Bioinformatics 22(12): 1418-1423 (2006)
11EESébastien Aubourg, Véronique Brunaud, Clémence Bruyère, Mark Cock, Richard Cooke, Annick Cottet, Arnaud Couloux, Patrice Déhais, Gilbert Deléage, Aymeric Duclert, Manuel Echeverria, Aimée Eschbach, Denis Falconet, Ghislain Filippi, Christine Gaspin, Christophe Geourjon, Jean-Michel Grienenberger, Guy Houlné, Elisabeth Jamet, Frédéric Lechauve, Olivier Leleu, Philippe Leroy, Régis Mache, Christian Meyer, Hafed Nedjari, Ioan Negrutiu, Valérie Orsini, Eric Peyretaillade, Cyril Pommier, Jeroen Raes, Jean-Loup Risler, Stéphane Rivière, Stephane Rombauts, Pierre Rouzé, Michel Schneider, Philippe Schwob, Ian Small, Ghislain Soumayet-Kampetenga, Darko Stankovski, Claire Toffano, Michael Tognolli, Michel Caboche, Alain Lecharny: GeneFarm, structural and functional annotation of Arabidopsis gene and protein families by a network of experts. Nucleic Acids Research 33(Database-Issue): 641-646 (2005)
10EES. Mohseni-Zadeh, Pierre Brézellec, Jean-Loup Risler: Cluster-C, an algorithm for the large-scale clustering of protein sequences based on the extraction of maximal cliques. Computational Biology and Chemistry 28(3): 211-218 (2004)
9 S. Mohseni-Zadeh, Alexandra Louis, Pierre Brézellec, Jean-Loup Risler: PHYTOPROT: a database of clusters of plant proteins. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Database-Issue): 351-353 (2004)
8EENicolas Luc, Jean-Loup Risler, Anne Bergeron, Mathieu Raffinot: Gene teams: a new formalization of gene clusters for comparative genomics. Computational Biology and Chemistry 27(1): 59-67 (2003)
7EEJean-Loup Risler: Bioinformatics: A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins: Edited by A.D. Baxevanis, B.F.F. Ouellette, Second Ed., Wiley Interscience, New York, 2001. ISBN 0-471-38391-0, 470Pages. Computers & Chemistry 26(5): 549-551 (2002)
6EEJean-Loup Risler: Developing Bioinformatics Computer Skills: C. Gibas, P. Jambeck, O'Reilly, 2001. ISBN 1-56592-664-1, 427Pages. Computers & Chemistry 26(5): 553-555 (2002)
5 Claudine Devauchelle, Alex Grossmann, Alain Hénaut, M. Holschneider, M. Monnerot, Jean-Loup Risler, Bruno Torrésani: Rate Matrices for Analyzing Large Families of Protein Sequences. Journal of Computational Biology 8(4): 381-399 (2002)
4EEJean-Christophe Aude, Yolande Diaz-Lazcoz, Jean-Jacques Codani, Jean-Loup Risler: Applications of the Pyramidal Clustering Method to Biological Objects. Computers & Chemistry 23(3-4): 303-315 (1999)
3EEJean-Paul Comet, Jean-Christophe Aude, Eric Glémet, Jean-Loup Risler, Alain Hénaut, Piotr P. Slonimski, Jean-Jacques Codani: Significance of Z-value Statistics of Smith-Waterman Scores for Protein Alignments. Computers & Chemistry 23(3-4): 317-331 (1999)
2 Claudine Landes, Jean-Loup Risler: Fast databank searching with a reduced amino-acid alphabet. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 10(4): 453-454 (1994)
1 Claudine Landes, Alain Hénaut, Jean-Loup Risler: Dot-plot comparisons by multivariate analysis (DOCMA): a tool for classifying protein sequences. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 9(2): 191-196 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Sébastien Aubourg [11]
2Jean-Christophe Aude [3] [4]
3Anne Bergeron [8]
4Pierre Brézellec [9] [10] [12]
5Véronique Brunaud [11]
6Clémence Bruyère [11]
7Michel Caboche [11]
8Mark Cock [11]
9Jean-Jacques Codani [3] [4]
10Jean-Paul Comet [3]
11Richard Cooke [11]
12Annick Cottet [11]
13Arnaud Couloux [11]
14Patrice Déhais [11]
15Gilbert Deléage [11]
16Claudine Devauchelle [5]
17Yolande Diaz-Lazcoz [4]
18Aymeric Duclert [11]
19Manuel Echeverria [11]
20Aimée Eschbach [11]
21Denis Falconet [11]
22Ghislain Filippi [11]
23Christine Gaspin [11]
24Christophe Geourjon [11]
25Eric Glémet [3]
26Jean-Michel Grienenberger [11]
27Alex Grossmann [5]
28Alain Hénaut [1] [3] [5]
29M. Holschneider [5]
30Guy Houlné [11]
31Elisabeth Jamet [11]
32Claudine Landes [1] [2]
33Alain Lecharny [11]
34Frédéric Lechauve [11]
35Olivier Leleu [11]
36Philippe Leroy [11]
37Alexandra Louis [9]
38Nicolas Luc [8]
39Régis Mache [11]
40Christian Meyer [11]
41S. Mohseni-Zadeh [9] [10]
42M. Monnerot [5]
43Hafed Nedjari [11]
44Ioan Negrutiu [11]
45Valérie Orsini [11]
46Sophie Pasek [12]
47Eric Peyretaillade [11]
48Cyril Pommier [11]
49Jeroen Raes [11]
50Mathieu Raffinot [8]
51Stéphane Rivière [11]
52Stephane Rombauts [11]
53Pierre Rouzé [11]
54Michel Schneider [11]
55Philippe Schwob [11]
56Piotr P. Slonimski [3]
57Ian Small [11]
58Ghislain Soumayet-Kampetenga [11]
59Darko Stankovski [11]
60Claire Toffano [11]
61Michael Tognolli [11]
62Bruno Torrésani [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)