
Annu Ristola

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7EETimo Koivumäki, Annu Ristola, Manne Kesti: The effects of information quality of mobile information services on user satisfaction and service acceptance-empirical evidence from Finland. Behaviour & IT 27(5): 375-385 (2008)
6EETimo Koivumäki, Annu Ristola, Manne Kesti: The perceptions towards mobile services: an empirical analysis of the role of use facilitators. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 12(1): 67-75 (2008)
5EEJani Korhonen, Timo Ojala, Annu Ristola, Manne Kesti, Vesa Kilpelänaho, Mikko Koskinen, Eveliina Viippola: Mobile Fair Diary: hybrid interface for taking, browsing and sharing context-aware notes. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 11(7): 577-589 (2007)
4EEHanna Komulainen, Annu Ristola, Annu Ristola, Johanna Still: Mobile advertising in the eyes of retailers and consumers - empirical evidence from a real-life experiment. ICMB 2006: 37
3EEHanna Komulainen, Annu Ristola, Annu Ristola, Johanna Still: Mobile advertising in the eyes of retailers and consumers - empirical evidence from a real-life experiment. ICMB 2006: 37
2EETimo Koivumäki, Annu Ristola, Manne Kesti: Predicting consumer acceptance in mobile services: empirical evidence from an experimental end user environment. IJMC 4(4): 418-435 (2006)
1EEAnnu Ristola, Timo Koivumäki, Manne Kesti: The Effect on Familiar Mobile Device and Usage Time on Creating Perceptions Towards Mobile Services. ICMB 2005: 384-391

Coauthor Index

1Manne Kesti [1] [2] [5] [6] [7]
2Vesa Kilpelänaho [5]
3Timo Koivumäki [1] [2] [6] [7]
4Hanna Komulainen [4]
5Jani Korhonen [5]
6Mikko Koskinen [5]
7Timo Ojala [5]
8Johanna Still [4]
9Eveliina Viippola [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)