
Jani Korhonen

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5EEJani Korhonen, Timo Ojala, Annu Ristola, Manne Kesti, Vesa Kilpelänaho, Mikko Koskinen, Eveliina Viippola: Mobile Fair Diary: hybrid interface for taking, browsing and sharing context-aware notes. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 11(7): 577-589 (2007)
4EEJani Korhonen, Timo Ojala, Mikko Klemola, Pasi Vaananen: mTag - Architecture for Discovering Location Specific Mobile Web Services Using RFID and Its Evaluation with Two Case Studies. AICT/ICIW 2006: 191
3EEJanne Lukkari, Jani Korhonen, Timo Ojala: SmartRestaurant: mobile payments in context-aware environment. ICEC 2004: 575-582
2EETimo Ojala, Jani Korhonen, Tiia Sutinen, Pekka Parhi, Lauri Aalto: Mobile kärpät: a case study in wireless personal area networking. MUM 2004: 149-156
1 Lauri Aalto, Nicklas Göthlin, Jani Korhonen, Timo Ojala: Bluetooth and WAP Push Based Location-Aware Mobile Advertising System. MobiSys 2004

Coauthor Index

1Lauri Aalto [1] [2]
2Nicklas Göthlin [1]
3Manne Kesti [5]
4Vesa Kilpelänaho [5]
5Mikko Klemola [4]
6Mikko Koskinen [5]
7Janne Lukkari [3]
8Timo Ojala [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
9Pekka Parhi [2]
10Annu Ristola [5]
11Tiia Sutinen [2]
12Pasi Vaananen [4]
13Eveliina Viippola [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)