
Stefan Riezler

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26EEAoife Cahill, Michael Burke, Ruth O'Donovan, Stefan Riezler, Josef van Genabith, Andy Way: Wide-Coverage Deep Statistical Parsing Using Automatic Dependency Structure Annotation. Computational Linguistics 34(1): 81-124 (2008)
25EEStefan Riezler, Alexander Vasserman, Ioannis Tsochantaridis, Vibhu O. Mittal, Yi Liu: Statistical Machine Translation for Query Expansion in Answer Retrieval. ACL 2007
24EEStefan Riezler, John T. Maxwell III: Grammatical Machine Translation. HLT-NAACL 2006
23EEStefan Riezler: New Developments in Parsing Technology. Computational Linguistics 32(3): 439-442 (2006)
22EERonald M. Kaplan, Stefan Riezler, Tracy H. King, John T. Maxwell III, Alexander Vasserman, Richard S. Crouch: Speed and Accuracy in Shallow and Deep Stochastic Parsing. HLT-NAACL 2004: 97-104
21EEStefan Riezler, Tracy H. King, Richard S. Crouch, Annie Zaenen: Statistical Sentence Condensation using Ambiguity Packing and Stochastic Disambiguation Methods for Lexical-Functional Grammar. HLT-NAACL 2003
20EEStefan Riezler, Tracy H. King, Ronald M. Kaplan, Richard S. Crouch, John T. Maxwell III, Mark Johnson: Parsing the Wall Street Journal using a Lexical-Functional Grammar and Discriminative Estimation Techniques. ACL 2002: 271-278
19EEMark Johnson, Stefan Riezler: Statistical models of syntax learning and use. Cognitive Science 26(3): 239-253 (2002)
18EEStefan Riezler, Detlef Prescher, Jonas Kuhn, Mark Johnson: Lexicalized Stochastic Modeling of Constraint-Based Grammars using Log-Linear Measures and EM Training. ACL 2000
17EEMark Johnson, Stefan Riezler: Exploiting auxiliary distributions in stochastic unification-based grammars. ANLP 2000: 154-161
16EEDetlef Prescher, Stefan Riezler, Mats Rooth: Using a Probabilistic Class-Based Lexicon for Lexical Ambiguity Resolution. COLING 2000: 649-655
15EEMark Johnson, Stuart Geman, Stephen Canon, Zhiyi Chi, Stefan Riezler: Estimators for Stochastic ``Unification-Based'' Grammars CoRR cs.CL/0008028: (2000)
14EEMark Johnson, Stefan Riezler: Exploiting auxiliary distributions in stochastic unification-based grammars CoRR cs.CL/0008029: (2000)
13EEStefan Riezler, Detlef Prescher, Jonas Kuhn, Mark Johnson: Lexicalized Stochastic Modeling of Constraint-Based Grammars using Log-Linear Measures and EM Training CoRR cs.CL/0008034: (2000)
12EEDetlef Prescher, Stefan Riezler, Mats Rooth: Using a Probabilistic Class-Based Lexicon for Lexical Ambiguity Resolution CoRR cs.CL/0008035: (2000)
11EEStefan Riezler: Probabilistic Constraint Logic Programming. Formal Foundations of Quantitative and Statistical Inference in Constraint-Based Natural Language Processing CoRR cs.CL/0008036: (2000)
10EEMark Johnson, Stuart Geman, Stephen Canon, Zhiyi Chi, Stefan Riezler: Estimators for Stochastic "Unification-Based" Grammars. ACL 1999
9EEMats Rooth, Stefan Riezler, Detlef Prescher: Inducing a Semantically Annotated Lexicon via EM-Based Clustering. ACL 1999
8EEFranz Beil, Glenn Carroll, Detlef Prescher, Stefan Riezler, Mats Rooth: Inside-Outside Estimation of a Lexicalized PCFG for German. ACL 1999
7EEStefan Riezler: Learning Log-Linear Models on Constraint-Based Grammars for Disambiguation. Learning Language in Logic 1999: 199-217
6EEMats Rooth, Stefan Riezler, Detlef Prescher, Glenn Carroll, Franz Beil: Inducing a Semantically Annotated Lexicon via EM-Based Clustering CoRR cs.CL/9905008: (1999)
5EEFranz Beil, Glenn Carroll, Detlef Prescher, Stefan Riezler, Mats Rooth: Inside-Outside Estimation of a Lexicalized PCFG for German CoRR cs.CL/9905009: (1999)
4EEStefan Riezler: Statistical Inference and Probabilistic Modelling for Constraint-Based NLP CoRR cs.CL/9905010: (1999)
3EEStefan Riezler: Quantitative Constraint Logic Programming for Weighted Grammar Applications CoRR cmp-lg/9705006: (1997)
2EEStefan Riezler: Probabilistic Constraint Logic Programming CoRR cmp-lg/9711001: (1997)
1EEStefan Riezler: Quantitative Constraint Logic Programming for Weighted Grammar Applications. LACL 1996: 346-365

Coauthor Index

1Franz Beil [5] [6] [8]
2Michael Burke [26]
3Aoife Cahill [26]
4Stephen Canon [10] [15]
5Glenn Carroll [5] [6] [8]
6Zhiyi Chi [10] [15]
7Richard S. Crouch [20] [21] [22]
8Stuart Geman [10] [15]
9Josef van Genabith [26]
10Mark Johnson [10] [13] [14] [15] [17] [18] [19] [20]
11Ronald M. Kaplan [20] [22]
12Tracy H. King [20] [21] [22]
13Jonas Kuhn [13] [18]
14Yi Liu [25]
15John T. Maxwell III [20] [22] [24]
16Vibhu O. Mittal [25]
17Ruth O'Donovan [26]
18Detlef Prescher [5] [6] [8] [9] [12] [13] [16] [18]
19Mats Rooth [5] [6] [8] [9] [12] [16]
20Ioannis Tsochantaridis [25]
21Alexander Vasserman [22] [25]
22Andy Way [26]
23Annie Zaenen [21]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)