
Christopher Riesbeck

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13 Kenneth D. Forbus, Christopher Riesbeck, Lawrence Birnbaum, Kevin Livingston, Abhishek Sharma, Leo C. Ureel II: Integrating Natural Language, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, and Analogical Processing to Learn by Reading. AAAI 2007: 1542-1547
12EEKevin Livingston, Christopher Riesbeck: Knowledge acquisition from simplified text. IUI 2007: 198-205
11EELin Qiu, Christopher Riesbeck: Designing Web-Based Interactive Learning Environments for Problem-Based Learning. ICALT 2005: 333-337
10 Lin Qiu, Christopher Riesbeck: An Incremental Model for Developing Computer-Based Learning Environments for Problem-based Learning. ICALT 2004
9EELin Qiu, Christopher Riesbeck: Making critiquing practical: incremental development of educational critiquing systems. IUI 2004: 304-306
8EEWolff Dobson, Christopher Riesbeck: Tools for Incremental Development of Educational Software Interfaces. CHI 1998: 384-391
7EEChristopher Riesbeck, Wolff Dobson: Authorable Critiquing for Intelligent Educational Systems. IUI 1998: 145-152
6 Charles Martin, Christopher Riesbeck: Uniform Parsing and Inferencing for Learning. AAAI 1986: 257-261
5 Christopher Riesbeck: Knowledge Reorganization and Reasoning Style. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 20(1): 45-61 (1984)
4 Christopher Riesbeck: Failure-Driven Reminding for Incremental Learning. IJCAI 1981: 115-120
3 Christopher Riesbeck: Delayed Interpretation Using Processing Notes. IJCAI 1977: 813
2EERoger C. Schank, Neil M. Goldman, Charles J. Rieger III, Christopher Riesbeck: Inference and Paraphrase by Computer. J. ACM 22(3): 309-328 (1975)
1 Roger C. Schank, Neil M. Goldman, Charles J. Rieger III, Christopher Riesbeck: MARGIE: Memory Analysis Response Generation, and Inference on English. IJCAI 1973: 255-261

Coauthor Index

1Lawrence Birnbaum (Larry Birnbaum) [13]
2Wolff Dobson [7] [8]
3Kenneth D. Forbus [13]
4Neil M. Goldman [1] [2]
5Kevin Livingston [12] [13]
6Charles Martin [6]
7Lin Qiu [9] [10] [11]
8Charles J. Rieger III [1] [2]
9Roger C. Schank [1] [2]
10Abhishek Sharma [13]
11Leo C. Ureel II [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)