
John Richardson

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10EEGenya Abe, John Richardson: The influence of alarm timing on driver response to collision warning systems following system failure. Behaviour & IT 25(5): 443-452 (2006)
9EEJohn Richardson: Internationalisation in the Large at Oracle. ACSW Frontiers 2004: 197
8EEWarren Harrison, George Heuston, Sarah Mocas, Mark Morrissey, John Richardson: High-tech forensics. Commun. ACM 47(7): 49-52 (2004)
7 José E. Castillo, John Richardson: Parallel Solution of Elliptic PDE's on Irregular Regions. PPSC 1993: 296-299
6 Andrew Dillon, Cliff McKnight, John Richardson: Navigation in hypertext: A critical review of the concept. INTERACT 1990: 587-592
5 Cliff McKnight, Andrew Dillon, John Richardson: A Comparison of Linear and Hypertext Formats in Information Retrieval. UK Hypertext 1989: 10-19
4 Cliff McKnight, Andrew Dillon, John Richardson: Problems in Hyperland? A Human Factors Perspective. Hypermedia 1(2): 167-178 (1989)
3 Andrew Dillon, John Richardson, Cliff McKnight: Human Factors of Journal Usage and Design of Electronic Texts. Interacting with Computers 1(2): 183-189 (1989)
2 Cliff McKnight, John Richardson, Andrew Dillon: The Authoring of HyperText Documents. UK Hypertext 1988: 138-147
1 Andrew Dillon, Cliff McKnight, John Richardson: Reading From Paper Versus Reading From Screen. Comput. J. 31(5): 457-464 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Genya Abe [10]
2José E. Castillo [7]
3Andrew Dillon [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
4Warren Harrison [8]
5George Heuston [8]
6Cliff McKnight [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
7Sarah Mocas [8]
8Mark Morrissey [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)