
Michaël Richard

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4 Ahmed Rahni, Emmanuel Grolleau, Michaël Richard: New worst-case analysis technique for real-time transactions. ISoLA 2007: 9-20
3EEKarim Traore, Emmanuel Grolleau, Ahmed Rahni, Michaël Richard: Response-Time Analysis of tasks with offsets. ETFA 2006
2EEMichaël Richard, Pascal Richard: Méthode de placement et d'affectation des priorités pour les systèmes temps réel distribués. Technique et Science Informatiques 22(5): 571-595 (2003)
1EEPascal Richard, Francis Cottet, Michaël Richard: On-line Scheduling of Real-Time Distributed Computers With Complex Communication Constraints. ICECCS 2001: 26-34

Coauthor Index

1Francis Cottet [1]
2Emmanuel Grolleau [3] [4]
3Ahmed Rahni [3] [4]
4Pascal Richard [1] [2]
5Karim Traore [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)