
Siamak Rezaei

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14EEMd. Maruf Monwar, Siamak Rezaei: Video analysis for view-based painful expression recognition. IJCNN 2008: 3619-3626
13EEMd. Maruf Monwar, Siamak Rezaei: A Parallel Processing Approach for Information Extraction from Microarray Images. CCECE 2006: 123-126
12EEMd. Maruf Monwar, Padma Polash Paul, Md. Wahedul Islam, Siamak Rezaei: A Real-Time Face Recognition Approach from Video Sequence using Skin Color Model and Eigenface Method. CCECE 2006: 2181-2185
11EESiamak Rezaei, Md. Maruf Monwar: Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm for Clustalw-MPI. CCECE 2006: 717-720
10EESiamak Rezaei, Md. Maruf Monwar, Joanne Bai: Performance Comparison of MPI-Based Parallel Multiple Sequence Alignment Algorithm Using Single and Multiple Guide Trees. IEEE ICCI 2006: 595-600
9EEMd. Maruf Monwar, Siamak Rezaei: Appearance-based Pain Recognition from Video Sequences. IJCNN 2006: 2429-2434
8 Md. Maruf Monwar, Siamak Rezaei: Parallelized Multiple Biological Sequence Alignment with MPI: The Divide-and-Conquer Approach. IMECS 2006: 126-130
7 Md. Maruf Monwar, Siamak Rezaei, Padma Polash Paul, Ken Prkachin: A Robust Technique for Pain Recognition from Video Sequences using Skin Color Modeling and Eigenimage Method. IMECS 2006: 513-518
6EEBehçet Sarikaya, M. Abdul Alim, Siamak Rezaei: Integrating wireless EEGs into medical sensor networks. IWCMC 2006: 1369-1374
5 Siamak Rezaei: Database Oriented Parsing and Translation. Databases and Applications 2004: 113-115
4EEKouhyar Tavakolian, Ali Motie Nasrabadi, Siamak Rezaei: Selecting better EEG channels for classification of mental tasks. ISCAS (3) 2004: 537-540
3 Siamak Rezaei: Parsing with Fuzzy Sets. IC-AI 2003: 367-371
2 Siamak Rezaei: Parsing with Fuzzy Sets. IC-AI 2003: 615-622
1 Siamak Rezaei: Formalization and Automated Testing for Cursive Fonts. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2003: 681-685

Coauthor Index

1M. Abdul Alim [6]
2Joanne Bai [10]
3Md. Wahedul Islam [12]
4Md. Maruf Monwar [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
5Ali Motie Nasrabadi [4]
6Padma Polash Paul [7] [12]
7Ken Prkachin [7]
8Behçet Sarikaya [6]
9Kouhyar Tavakolian [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)