
Franklin Reynolds

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15EEDimitris N. Kalofonos, Zoe Antoniou, Franklin Reynolds, Max Van Kleek, Jacob Strauss, Paul Wisner: MyNet: A Platform for Secure P2P Personal and Social Networking Services. PerCom 2008: 135-146
14EEFranklin Reynolds: A Call for Innovation. IEEE Pervasive Computing 7(1): 5-7 (2008)
13EEFranklin Reynolds: Camera Phones: A Snapshot of Research and Applications. IEEE Pervasive Computing 7(2): 16-19 (2008)
12EEFranklin Reynolds: Whither Bluetooth? IEEE Pervasive Computing 7(3): 6-8 (2008)
11EEFranklin Reynolds: Adapting Content. IEEE Pervasive Computing 7(4): 6-8 (2008)
10EEMark Adler, Franklin Reynolds: Vision-Guided "Point and Click" for Smart Rooms. ICSNC 2007: 30
9EEGaetano Borriello, Keith I. Farkas, Franklin Reynolds, Feng Zhao: Guest Editors' Introduction: Building a Sensor-Rich World. IEEE Pervasive Computing 6(2): 16-18 (2007)
8 Zoe Antoniou, Govindarajan Krishnamurthi, Franklin Reynolds: Intuitive service discovery in RFID-enhanced networks. COMSWARE 2006
7EEBadri Nath, Franklin Reynolds, Roy Want: RFID Technology and Applications. IEEE Pervasive Computing 5(1): 22-24 (2006)
6EEFranklin Reynolds: An RDF Framework for Resource Discovery. SemWeb 2001
5EEFranklin Reynolds, Ray Clark, Franco Travostino: Evolution of a Distributed, Real-Time, Object-Based Operating System. ISORC 1998: 142-143
4EEFranco Travostino, Laura Marie Feeney, Philippe Bernadat, Franklin Reynolds: Building Middleware for Real-Time Dependable Distributed Services. ISORC 1998: 162-173
3EEMichael Condict, Dejan S. Milojicic, Franklin Reynolds, Don Bolinger: Towards a world-wide civilization of objects. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1996: 25-32
2 Franklin Reynolds: An Architectural Overview of Alpha: A Real-Time, Distributed Kernel. USENIX Workshop on Microkernels and Other Kernel Architectures 1992: 127-146
1 Franklin Reynolds, Jeffrey Heller: Kernel Support for Network Protocol Servers. USENIX MACH Symposium 1991: 149-162

Coauthor Index

1Mark Adler [10]
2Zoe Antoniou [8] [15]
3B. R. Badrinath (Badri Nath) [7]
4Philippe Bernadat [4]
5Don Bolinger [3]
6Gaetano Borriello [9]
7Ray Clark [5]
8Michael Condict [3]
9Keith I. Farkas [9]
10Laura Marie Feeney [4]
11Jeffrey Heller [1]
12Dimitris N. Kalofonos [15]
13Max Van Kleek [15]
14Govindarajan Krishnamurthi [8]
15Dejan S. Milojicic [3]
16Jacob Strauss [15]
17Franco Travostino [4] [5]
18Roy Want [7]
19Paul Wisner [15]
20Feng Zhao [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)