
Zoe Antoniou

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6EEDimitris N. Kalofonos, Zoe Antoniou, Franklin Reynolds, Max Van Kleek, Jacob Strauss, Paul Wisner: MyNet: A Platform for Secure P2P Personal and Social Networking Services. PerCom 2008: 135-146
5 Zoe Antoniou, Govindarajan Krishnamurthi, Franklin Reynolds: Intuitive service discovery in RFID-enhanced networks. COMSWARE 2006
4 Zoe Antoniou, Dimitris N. Kalofonos: NFC-based mobile middleware for intuitive user interaction with security in smart homes. Communication Systems and Networks 2006: 97-102
3EEZoe Antoniou, Wee-Seng Soh: Restorability Enhancement and Service-Oriented Protection in Radio Access Networks. QSHINE 2004: 225-232
2EEZoe Antoniou, Ioannis Stavrakakis: An efficient deadline-credit-based transport scheme for prerecorded semisoft continuous media applications. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 10(5): 630-643 (2002)
1EEZoe Antoniou, Ioannis Stavrakakis: Efficient End-to-End Transport of Soft Real-Time Applications. NETWORKING 2000: 470-482

Coauthor Index

1Dimitris N. Kalofonos [4] [6]
2Max Van Kleek [6]
3Govindarajan Krishnamurthi [5]
4Franklin Reynolds [5] [6]
5Wee-Seng Soh [3]
6Ioannis Stavrakakis [1] [2]
7Jacob Strauss [6]
8Paul Wisner [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)