
Christopher Rex

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3 Jeremy N. Bailenson, Andrew C. Beall, Jim Blascovich, Christopher Rex: Examining Virtual Busts: Are Photogrammetrically Generated Head Models Effective for Person Identification? Presence 13(4): 416-427 (2004)
2 Crystal L. Hoyt, Christopher Rex, Kimberly R. Swinth: Social Inhibition in Immersive Virtual Environments. Presence 12(2): 183-195 (2003)
1 Jeremy N. Bailenson, Christopher Rex, Andrew C. Beall, Jack M. Loomis: Equilibrium Theory Revisited: Mutual Gaze and Personal Space in Virtual Environments. Presence 10(6): 583-598 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Jeremy N. Bailenson [1] [3]
2Andrew C. Beall [1] [3]
3Jim Blascovich [3]
4Crystal L. Hoyt [2]
5Jack M. Loomis [1]
6Kimberly R. Swinth [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)