
Chantal Revol-Muller

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6EEJean-Loïc Rose, Chantal Revol-Muller, Jean-Baptiste Langlois, Marc Janier, Christophe Odet: 3D region growing integrating adaptive shape prior. ISBI 2008: 967-970
5EEJean-Loïc Rose, Chantal Revol-Muller, M. Almajdub, E. Chereul, Christophe Odet: Shape Prior Integrated in an Automated 3D Region Growing Method. ICIP (1) 2007: 53-56
4EEThomas Grenier, Chantal Revol-Muller, Gérard Gimenez: Hybrid Approach for Multiparametric Mean Shift Filtering. ICIP 2006: 1541-1544
3EEChantal Revol-Muller, Françoise Peyrin, Yannick Carillon, Christophe Odet: Automated 3D region growing algorithm based on an assessment function. Pattern Recognition Letters 23(1-3): 137-150 (2002)
2 Chantal Revol-Muller, Françoise Peyrin, Christophe Odet, Yannick Carillon: Automated 3D Region Growing Algorithm Governed by an Evaluation Function. ICIP 2000
1EEChantal Revol-Muller, Michel Jourlin: A new minimum variance region growing algorithm for image segmentation. Pattern Recognition Letters 18(3): 249-258 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1M. Almajdub [5]
2Yannick Carillon [2] [3]
3E. Chereul [5]
4Gérard Gimenez [4]
5Thomas Grenier [4]
6Marc Janier [6]
7Michel Jourlin [1]
8Jean-Baptiste Langlois [6]
9Christophe Odet [2] [3] [5] [6]
10Françoise Peyrin [2] [3]
11Jean-Loïc Rose [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)