
Angelo C. Restificar

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8EESriraam Natarajan, Prasad Tadepalli, Eric Altendorf, Thomas G. Dietterich, Alan Fern, Angelo C. Restificar: Learning first-order probabilistic models with combining rules. ICML 2005: 609-616
7EEEric Altendorf, Angelo C. Restificar, Thomas G. Dietterich: Learning from Sparse Data by Exploiting Monotonicity Constraints. UAI 2005: 18-26
6EEAngelo C. Restificar, Peter Haddawy: Inferring Utilities from Negotiation Actions. AMAI 2004
5 Angelo C. Restificar, Peter Haddawy: Constructing utility models from observed negotiation actions. IJCAI 2003: 1404-1405
4EEPeter Haddawy, Vu A. Ha, Angelo C. Restificar, Benjamin Geisler, John Miyamoto: Preference Elicitation via Theory Refinement. Journal of Machine Learning Research 4: 317-337 (2003)
3EESusan Weber McRoy, Syed S. Ali, Angelo C. Restificar, Songsak Channarukul: Building intelligent dialog systems. Intelligence 10(1): 14-23 (1999)
2 Angelo C. Restificar: An Update Procedure for A Probabilistic Deductive Database. PRICAI 1996: 144-156
1 Angelo C. Restificar: Probabilistic diagnosis as an update problem. PRICAI Workshops 1996: 256-266

Coauthor Index

1Syed S. Ali [3]
2Eric Altendorf [7] [8]
3Songsak Channarukul [3]
4Thomas G. Dietterich [7] [8]
5Alan Fern [8]
6Benjamin Geisler [4]
7Vu A. Ha [4]
8Peter Haddawy [4] [5] [6]
9Susan McRoy (Susan Weber McRoy) [3]
10John Miyamoto [4]
11Sriraam Natarajan [8]
12Prasad Tadepalli [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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