
Jan Rendek

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8EELaurent Wendling, Jan Rendek, Pascal Matsakis: Selection of Suitable Set of Decision Rules Using Choquet Integral. SSPR/SPR 2008: 947-955
7EEJan Rendek, Laurent Wendling: On Determining Suitable Subsets of Decision Rules Using Choquet Integral. IJPRAI 22(2): 207-232 (2008)
6EECyril Mazaud, Jan Rendek, Vincent Bombardier, Laurent Wendling: A Feature Selection Method Based on Choquet Integral and Typicality Analysis. FUZZ-IEEE 2007: 1-6
5EELaurent Wendling, Jan Rendek: Symbol Recognition Using a 2-class Hierarchical Model of Choquet Integrals. ICDAR 2007: 634-638
4EEJan Rendek, Bart Lamiroy, Karl Tombre: A Few Steps Towards On-the-Fly Symbol Recognition with Relevance Feedback. Document Analysis Systems 2006: 604-615
3EEDaniel Zuwala, Jan Rendek: Browsing graphics without prior knowledge. ICPR (1) 2006: 735-738
2EEJan Rendek, Laurent Wendling: Extraction of Consistent Subsets of Descriptors using Choquet Integral. ICPR (3) 2006: 208-211
1EEJan Rendek, Gérald Masini, Philippe Dosch, Karl Tombre: The Search for Genericity in Graphics Recognition Applications: Design Issues of the Qgar Software System. Document Analysis Systems 2004: 366-377

Coauthor Index

1Vincent Bombardier [6]
2Philippe Dosch [1]
3Bart Lamiroy [4]
4Gérald Masini [1]
5Pascal Matsakis [8]
6Cyril Mazaud [6]
7Karl Tombre [1] [4]
8Laurent Wendling [2] [5] [6] [7] [8]
9Daniel Zuwala [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)