
Stephen E. Reichenbach

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11EEJiazheng Shi, Stephen E. Reichenbach: Spatially Constrained Wiener Filter with Markov Autocorrelation Modeling for Image Resolution Enhancement. ICIP 2006: 2681-2684
10EEJiazheng Shi, Stephen E. Reichenbach: Image Interpolation by Two-Dimensional Parametric Cubic Convolution. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15(7): 1857-1870 (2006)
9EEJiazheng Shi, Stephen E. Reichenbach: Interpolation by asymmetric, two-dimensional cubic convolution. ICIP (2) 2005: 994-997
8 Mingtian Ni, Stephen E. Reichenbach: GUI State-based Accessibility Control in Hierarchical State Machines. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2005: 239-245
7EESteve Goddard, Jitender S. Deogun, Sherri K. Harms, Michael J. Hayes, Kenneth G. Hubbard, Stephen E. Reichenbach, Peter Z. Revesz, William J. Waltman, Donald A. Wilhite: A Geospatial Decision Support System for Drought Risk Management. DG.O 2004
6EEWilliam J. Waltman, Steve Goddard, P. E. Read, Stephen E. Reichenbach, Ian J. Cottingham, Jeffrey S. Peake: Digital Government: New Tools to Define Terroirs and Viticultural Areas in the Northern Great Plains. DG.O 2004
5EEWilliam J. Waltman, Steve Goddard, Stephen E. Reichenbach, Gang Gu, Ian J. Cottingham, Jeffrey S. Peake, Tsegaye Tadesse, Sherri K. Harms, Jitender S. Deogun: Digital Government: Reviving the Newhall Simulation Model to Understand the Patterns and Trends of Soil Climate Regimes and Drought Events. DG.O 2004
4EEMingtian Ni, Stephen E. Reichenbach: Pattern Matching by Sequential Subdivision of Transformation Space. ICPR (2) 2004: 145-148
3EESteve Goddard, Sherri K. Harms, Stephen E. Reichenbach, Tsegaye Tadesse, William J. Waltman: Geospatial decision support for drought risk management. Commun. ACM 46(1): 35-37 (2003)
2EEStephen E. Reichenbach, Frank Geng: Two-dimensional cubic convolution. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 12(8): 857-865 (2003)
1 Barbara L. Kess, Stephen E. Reichenbach: Capturing Global Redundancy to Improve Compression of Large Images. Data Compression Conference 1997: 62-71

Coauthor Index

1Ian J. Cottingham [5] [6]
2Jitender S. Deogun [5] [7]
3Frank Geng [2]
4Steve Goddard [3] [5] [6] [7]
5Gang Gu [5]
6Sherri K. Harms [3] [5] [7]
7Michael J. Hayes [7]
8Kenneth G. Hubbard [7]
9Barbara L. Kess [1]
10Mingtian Ni [4] [8]
11Jeffrey S. Peake [5] [6]
12P. E. Read [6]
13Peter Z. Revesz [7]
14Jiazheng Shi [9] [10] [11]
15Tsegaye Tadesse [3] [5]
16William J. Waltman [3] [5] [6] [7]
17Donald A. Wilhite [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)