
Mingtian Ni

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3EEPaul Luo Li, Mingtian Ni, Song Xue, Joseph P. Mullally, Mario Garzia, Mujtaba Khambatti: Reliability Assessment of Mass-Market Software: Insights from Windows Vista®. ISSRE 2008: 265-270
2 Mingtian Ni, Stephen E. Reichenbach: GUI State-based Accessibility Control in Hierarchical State Machines. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2005: 239-245
1EEMingtian Ni, Stephen E. Reichenbach: Pattern Matching by Sequential Subdivision of Transformation Space. ICPR (2) 2004: 145-148

Coauthor Index

1Mario Garzia [3]
2Mujtaba Khambatti [3]
3Paul Luo Li [3]
4Joseph P. Mullally [3]
5Stephen E. Reichenbach [1] [2]
6Song Xue [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)