
Yoram Reich

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20EEEli Kolberg, Yoram Reich, Ilya Levin: Design of Design Methodology for Autonomous Robots. RoboCup 2007: 528-539
19EEYuval Sered, Yoram Reich: Standardization and modularization driven by minimizing overall process effort. Computer-Aided Design 38(5): 405-416 (2006)
18 Yoram Reich: Data Mining of Design Products and Processes. The Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook 2005: 1167-1187
17EEArie Karniel, Yuri Belsky, Yoram Reich: Decomposing the problem of constrained surface fitting in reverse engineering. Computer-Aided Design 37(4): 399-417 (2005)
16EEYoram Reich, Adi Kapeliuk: A framework for organizing the space of decision problems with application to solving subjective, context-dependent problems. Decision Support Systems 41(1): 1-19 (2005)
15EEYoram Reich, Adi Kapeliuk: Case-Based Reasoning With Subjective Influence Knowledge. Applied Artificial Intelligence 18(8): 735-760 (2004)
14EEGabriel Dobrescu, Yoram Reich: Progressive sharing of modules among product variants. Computer-Aided Design 35(9): 791-806 (2003)
13EEYoram Reich: Editorial comment. AI in Engineering 15(1): 1 (2001)
12EEYoram Reich: Dear Professors G. Rzevski, I. Smith and T. Tomiyama. AI in Engineering 14(2): 199 (2000)
11EEYoram Reich: Improving the Rationale Capture Capability of QFD. Eng. Comput. (Lond.) 16(3-4): 236-252 (2000)
10EES. V. Barai, Yoram Reich: Ensemble modelling or selecting the best model: Many could be better than one. AI EDAM 13(5): 377-386 (1999)
9EEYoram Reich, S. V. Barai: Evaluating machine learning models for engineering problems. AI in Engineering 13(3): 257-272 (1999)
8EEYoram Reich: Learning in design: From characterizing dimensions to working systems. AI EDAM 12(2): 161-172 (1998)
7EEYoram Reich: Measuring the value of knowledge. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 42(1): 3-30 (1995)
6EEYoram Reich: A model of aesthetic judgment in design. AI in Engineering 8(2): 141-153 (1993)
5EEYoram Reich, Suresh Konda, Sean N. Levy, Ira Monarch, Eswaran Subrahmanian: New roles for machine learning in design. AI in Engineering 8(3): 165-181 (1993)
4EEYoram Reich: The development of Bridger: A methodological study of research on the use of machine learning in design. AI in Engineering 8(3): 217-231 (1993)
3EEDouglas H. Fisher, Ling Xu, James R. Carnes, Yoram Reich, Steven J. Fenves, Jason Chen, Richard Shiavi, Gautam Biswas, Jerry B. Weinberg: Applying AI Clustering to Engineering Tasks. IEEE Expert 8(6): 51-60 (1993)
2 Yoram Reich: Design Integrated Learning Systems for Engineering Design. ML 1991: 635-639
1 Yoram Reich: Exemplar-Based Knowledge Acquisition. Machine Learning 6: 99-103 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1S. V. Barai [9] [10]
2Yuri Belsky [17]
3Gautam Biswas [3]
4James R. Carnes [3]
5Jason Chen [3]
6Gabriel Dobrescu [14]
7Steven J. Fenves [3]
8Douglas H. Fisher [3]
9Adi Kapeliuk [15] [16]
10Arie Karniel [17]
11Eli Kolberg [20]
12Suresh Konda [5]
13Ilya Levin [20]
14Sean N. Levy [5]
15Ira Monarch [5]
16Yuval Sered [19]
17Richard Shiavi [3]
18Eswaran Subrahmanian [5]
19Jerry B. Weinberg [3]
20Ling Xu [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)