
Indrajit Ray

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53EERinku Dewri, Indrajit Ray, Indrakshi Ray, Darrell Whitley: On the comparison of microdata disclosure control algorithms. EDBT 2009: 240-251
52 Indrajit Ray, Sujeet Shenoi: Advances in Digital Forensics IV, Fourth Annual IFIP WG 11.9 Conference on Digital Forensics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, January 28-30, 2008 Springer 2008
51EEIndrajit Ray, Nayot Poolsappasit, Rinku Dewri: An Opinion Model for Evaluating Malicious Activities in Pervasive Computing Systems. DBSec 2008: 297-312
50EERinku Dewri, Indrakshi Ray, Indrajit Ray, Darrell Whitley: Optimizing on-demand data broadcast scheduling in pervasive environments. EDBT 2008: 559-569
49EERinku Dewri, Indrakshi Ray, Indrajit Ray, Darrell Whitley: Security Provisioning in Pervasive Environments Using Multi-objective Optimization. ESORICS 2008: 349-363
48EERinku Dewri, Darrell Whitley, Indrakshi Ray, Indrajit Ray: Evolution strategy based optimization of on-demand dependent data broadcast scheduling. GECCO 2008: 1699-1700
47EERinku Dewri, Indrajit Ray, Indrakshi Ray, Darrell Whitley: On the Optimal Selection of k in the k-Anonymity Problem. ICDE 2008: 1364-1366
46EEH. M. N. Dilum Bandara, Anura P. Jayasumana, Indrajit Ray: Key pre-distribution based secure backbone formation in wireless sensor networks. LCN 2008: 786-793
45EERinku Dewri, Darrell Whitley, Indrajit Ray, Indrakshi Ray: Optimizing Real-Time Ordered-Data Broadcasts in Pervasive Environments Using Evolution Strategy. PPSN 2008: 991-1000
44EEIndrajit Ray, Sudip Chakraborty: Facilitating Privacy Related Decisions in Different Privacy Contexts on the Internet by Evaluating Trust in Recipients of Private Data. SEC 2008: 605-620
43EEIndrajit Ray, Hongjun Zhang: Experiences in developing a fair-exchange e-commerce protocol using common off-the-shelf components. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 7(2): 247-259 (2008)
42EEAndrew Burt, Michael Darschewski, Indrajit Ray, Ramakrishna Thurimella, Hailin Wu: Origins: an approach to trace fast spreading worms to their roots. IJSN 3(1): 36-46 (2008)
41EEIndrajit Ray, Nayot Poolsappasit: Using mobile ad hoc networks to acquire digital evidence from remote autonomous agents. IJSN 3(2): 80-94 (2008)
40EERinku Dewri, Nayot Poolsappasit, Indrajit Ray, Darrell Whitley: Optimal security hardening using multi-objective optimization on attack tree models of networks. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2007: 204-213
39EESudip Chakraborty, Nayot Poolsappasit, Indrajit Ray: Reliable Delivery of Event Data from Sensors to Actuators in Pervasive Computing Environments. DBSec 2007: 77-92
38EENayot Poolsapassit, Indrajit Ray: Investigating Computer Attacks Using Attack Trees. IFIP Int. Conf. Digital Forensics 2007: 331-343
37EEOmar H. Alhazmi, Yashwant K. Malaiya, Indrajit Ray: Measuring, analyzing and predicting security vulnerabilities in software systems. Computers & Security 26(3): 219-228 (2007)
36EESudip Chakraborty, Indrajit Ray: p-Trust: A New Model of Trust to Allow Finer Control Over Privacy in Peer-to-Peer Framework. JCP 2(2): 13-24 (2007)
35EEIndrajit Ray, Sudip Chakraborty: A Framework for Flexible Access Control in Digital Library Systems. DBSec 2006: 252-266
34 Indrajit Ray: Remote Upload of Evidence over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. IFIP Int. Conf. Digital Forensics 2006: 41-54
33EESudip Chakraborty, Indrajit Ray: TrustBAC: integrating trust relationships into the RBAC model for access control in open systems. SACMAT 2006: 49-58
32EESiv Hilde Houmb, Indrakshi Ray, Indrajit Ray: Estimating the Relative Trustworthiness of Information Sources in Security Solution Evaluation. iTrust 2006: 135-149
31EEOmar H. Alhazmi, Yashwant K. Malaiya, Indrajit Ray: Security Vulnerabilities in Software Systems: A Quantitative Perspective. DBSec 2005: 281-294
30EEIndrajit Ray, Eunjong Kim, Ross M. McConnell, Daniel Massey: Reliably, Securely and Efficiently Distributing Electronic Content Using Multicasting. EC-Web 2005: 327-336
29EEIndrajit Ray, Nayot Poolsapassit: Using Attack Trees to Identify Malicious Attacks from Authorized Insiders. ESORICS 2005: 231-246
28EEIndrajit Ray: System Security Track Chair's Message. ICDCIT 2005: 333
27EEIndrajit Ray, Sudip Chakraborty, Indrakshi Ray: VTrust: A Trust Management System Based on a Vector Model of Trust. ICISS 2005: 91-105
26 Eunjong Kim, Daniel Massey, Indrajit Ray: Global Internet Routing Forensics: Validation of BGP Paths Using ICMP Traceback. IFIP Int. Conf. Digital Forensics 2005: 165-176
25EEIndrajit Ray, Indrakshi Ray, Narasimhamurthi Natarajan: An anonymous and failure resilient fair-exchange e-commerce protocol. Decision Support Systems 39(3): 267-292 (2005)
24 Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Indrakshi Ray, Indrajit Ray: Data and Applications Security XVII: Status and Prospects, IFIP TC-11 WG 11.3 Seventeenth Annual Working Conference on Data and Application Security, August4-6, 2003, Estes Park, Colorado, USA Kluwer 2004
23 Indrajit Ray, Tomas Hajek: Securely Distributing Centralized Multimedia Content Utilizing Peer-to-Peer Cooperation. DBSec 2004: 295-309
22EEIndrajit Ray, Mike Geisterfer: Towards a Privacy Preserving e-Commerce Protocol. EC-Web 2004: 154-163
21EEIndrajit Ray, Sudip Chakraborty: A Vector Model of Trust for Developing Trustworthy Systems. ESORICS 2004: 260-275
20EEVamsi Kambhampati, Indrajit Ray, Eunjong Kim: A Secure Checkpointing Protocol for Survivable Server Design. ICDCIT 2004: 430-440
19 Indrajit Ray, Eunjong Kim: Collective Signature for Efficient Authentication of XML Documents. SEC 2004: 411-424
18 Indrajit Ray, Sonja Tideman: A Secure TCP Connection Migration Protocol to Enable the Survivability of Client-Server Applications under Malicious Attack. J. Network Syst. Manage. 12(3): (2004)
17 Indrajit Ray, Indrakshi Ray: Anonymous and Secure Multicast Subscription. DBSec 2002: 313-327
16EEIndrakshi Ray, Indrajit Ray: Using Compatible Keys for Secure Multicasting in E-Commerce. IPDPS 2002
15EEIndrakshi Ray, Indrajit Ray, Natu Narasimhamurthi: A cryptographic solution to implement access control in a hierarchy and more. SACMAT 2002: 65-73
14EEIndrajit Ray, Indrakshi Ray: Fair exchange in E-commerce. SIGecom Exchanges 3(2): 9-17 (2002)
13EEIndrakshi Ray, Indrajit Ray: Detecting Termination of Active Database Rules Using Symbolic Model Checking. ADBIS 2001: 266-279
12 Indrakshi Ray, Indrajit Ray: An Anomymous Fair Exchange E-commerce Protocol. IPDPS 2001: 172
11 Indrajit Ray, Indrakshi Ray, Natarajan Narasimhamurthy: A Fair-exchange E-commerce Protocol with Automated Dispute Resolution. DBSec 2000: 27-38
10EEIndrakshi Ray, Indrajit Ray: An Optimistic Fair Exchange E-commerce Protocol with Automated Dispute Resolution. EC-Web 2000: 84-93
9EEIndrakshi Ray, Indrajit Ray: Failure Analysis of an E-Commerce Protocol Using Model Checking. WECWIS 2000: 176-183
8EELuigi V. Mancini, Indrajit Ray, Sushil Jajodia, Elisa Bertino: Flexible Transaction Dependencies in Database Systems. Distributed and Parallel Databases 8(4): 399-446 (2000)
7EEIndrajit Ray, Luigi V. Mancini, Sushil Jajodia, Elisa Bertino: ASEP: A Secure and Flexible Commit Protocol for MLS Distributed Database Systems. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 12(6): 880-899 (2000)
6EEElisa Bertino, Sushil Jajodia, Luigi V. Mancini, Indrajit Ray: Advanced Transaction Processing in Multilevel Secure File Stores. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 10(1): 120-135 (1998)
5 Sushil Jajodia, Ravi Mukkamala, Indrajit Ray: A Two-tier Coarse Indexing Scheme for MLS Database Systems. DBSec 1997: 199-218
4 Luigi V. Mancini, Indrajit Ray, Sushil Jajodia, Elisa Bertino: Flexible Commit Protocols for Advanced Transaction Processing. Advanced Transaction Models and Architectures 1997: 0-
3EEIndrajit Ray, Elisa Bertino, Sushil Jajodia, Luigi V. Mancini: An Advanced Commit Protocol for MLS Distributed Database Systems. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 1996: 119-128
2 Sushil Jajodia, Luigi V. Mancini, Indrajit Ray: Secure Locking Protocols for Multilevel Database Management Systems. DBSec 1996: 177-194
1EELuigi V. Mancini, Indrajit Ray: Secure Concurrency Control in MLS Databases with Two Versions of Data. ESORICS 1996: 304-323

Coauthor Index

1Omar H. Alhazmi [31] [37]
2H. M. N. Dilum Bandara [46]
3Elisa Bertino [3] [4] [6] [7] [8]
4Andrew Burt [42]
5Sudip Chakraborty [21] [27] [33] [35] [36] [39] [44]
6Michael Darschewski [42]
7Rinku Dewri [40] [45] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [53]
8Mike Geisterfer [22]
9Tomas Hajek [23]
10Siv Hilde Houmb [32]
11Sushil Jajodia [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
12Anura P. Jayasumana [46]
13Vamsi Kambhampati [20]
14Eunjong Kim [19] [20] [26] [30]
15Yashwant K. Malaiya [31] [37]
16Luigi V. Mancini [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8]
17Daniel Massey [26] [30]
18Ross M. McConnell [30]
19Ravi Mukkamala [5]
20Natu Narasimhamurthi [15]
21Natarajan Narasimhamurthy [11]
22Narasimhamurthi Natarajan [25]
23Nayot Poolsapassit [29] [38]
24Nayot Poolsappasit [39] [40] [41] [51]
25Indrakshi Ray [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [24] [25] [27] [32] [45] [47] [48] [49] [50] [53]
26Sujeet Shenoi [52]
27Ramakrishna Thurimella (Ramki Thurimella) [42]
28Sonja Tideman [18]
29Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati [24]
30L. Darrell Whitley (Darrell Whitley) [40] [45] [47] [48] [49] [50] [53]
31Hailin Wu [42]
32Hongjun Zhang [43]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)