
Siva Ravada

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14EENing An, Raja Chatterjee, Mike Hörhammer, Siva Ravada: Securely implementing open geospatial consortium web service interface standards in oracle spatial. WWW 2009: 1179-1180
13EEKothuri Venkata Ravi Kanth, Siva Ravada: Oracle Spatial, Geometries. Encyclopedia of GIS 2008: 821-826
12EENicole Alexander, Siva Ravada: RDF Object Type and Reification in the Database. ICDE 2006: 93
11EEAravind Yalamanchi, Kothuri Venkata Ravi Kanth, Siva Ravada: Spatial Expressions and Rules for Location-based Services in Oracle. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 28(3): 27-34 (2005)
10EEKothuri Venkata Ravi Kanth, Siva Ravada, Ning An: Incorporating Updates in Domain Indexes: Experiences with Oracle Spatial R-trees. ICDE 2004: 745-753
9EEBruce Blackwell, Siva Ravada: Oracle's Technology for Bioinformatics and Future Directions. APBC 2003: 35-42
8EEKothuri Venkata Ravi Kanth, Siva Ravada, W. Xu: Spatial Processing using Oracle Table Functions. ICDE 2003: 851-856
7EENing An, Kothuri Venkata Ravi Kanth, Siva Ravada: Improving Performance with Bulk-Inserts in Oracle R-Trees. VLDB 2003: 948-951
6EEKothuri Venkata Ravi Kanth, Siva Ravada, Daniel Abugov: Quadtree and R-tree indexes in oracle spatial: a comparison using GIS data. SIGMOD Conference 2002: 546-557
5EEKothuri Venkata Ravi Kanth, Siva Ravada: Spatio-Temporal Indexing in Oracle: Issues and Challenges. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 25(2): 56-60 (2002)
4EEKothuri Venkata Ravi Kanth, Siva Ravada: Efficient Processing of Large Spatial Queries Using Interior Approximations. SSTD 2001: 404-424
3 Ki-Joune Li, Kia Makki, Niki Pissinou, Siva Ravada: ACM-GIS 2000, Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, November 10-11, 2000, Washington D.C., USA ACM 2000
2EEKothuri Venkata Ravi Kanth, Siva Ravada, Jayant Sharma, Jay Banerjee: Indexing Medium-dimensionality Data in Oracle. SIGMOD Conference 1999: 521-522
1EESiva Ravada, Jayant Sharma: Oracle8i Spatial: Experiences with Extensible Databases. SSD 1999: 355-359

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Abugov [6]
2Nicole Alexander [12]
3Ning An [7] [10] [14]
4Jay Banerjee [2]
5Bruce Blackwell [9]
6Raja Chatterjee [14]
7Mike Hörhammer [14]
8Kothuri Venkata Ravi Kanth [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [13]
9Ki-Joune Li [3]
10Kia Makki [3]
11Niki Pissinou [3]
12Jayant Sharma [1] [2]
13W. Xu [8]
14Aravind Yalamanchi [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)