
Christian Rank

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3EEPeter Kleinschmidt, Christian Rank: New Heuristics for the Multidimensional Vote Assignment Problem. Computing 63(4): 405-417 (1999)
2EEPeter Kleinschmidt, Ilse Mitterreiter, Christian Rank: A hybrid method for automatic chromosome karyotyping. Pattern Recognition Letters 15(1): 87-96 (1994)
1 Heinrich Hußmann, Christian Rank: Specification and Prototyping of a Compiler for a Small Applicative Language. Algebraic Methods 1987: 403-418

Coauthor Index

1Heinrich Hußmann (Heinrich Hussmann) [1]
2Peter Kleinschmidt [2] [3]
3Ilse Mitterreiter [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)