
Peter Kleinschmidt

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14EEG. Meisinger, Peter Kleinschmidt, Gil Kalai: Three Theorems, with Computer-Aided Proofs, on Three-Dimensional Faces and Quotients of Polytopes. Discrete & Computational Geometry 24(2-3): 413-420 (2000)
13EEPeter Kleinschmidt, Christian Rank: New Heuristics for the Multidimensional Vote Assignment Problem. Computing 63(4): 405-417 (1999)
12EEAndreas Hefner, Peter Kleinschmidt: A Polyhedral Approach for a Constrained Matching Problem. Discrete & Computational Geometry 17(4): 429-437 (1997)
11EEPeter Kleinschmidt, Shmuel Onn: Signable Posets and Partitionable Simplicial Complexes. Discrete & Computational Geometry 15(4): 443-466 (1996)
10 Peter Kleinschmidt, Shmuel Onn: Oriented Matroid Polytopes and Polyhedral Fans are Signable. IPCO 1995: 198-211
9 Peter Kleinschmidt, Heinz Schannath: A strongly polynomial algorithm for the transportation problem. Math. Program. 68: 1-13 (1995)
8EEPeter Kleinschmidt, Ilse Mitterreiter, Christian Rank: A hybrid method for automatic chromosome karyotyping. Pattern Recognition Letters 15(1): 87-96 (1994)
7EEPeter Kleinschmidt, Shmuel Onn: On the diameter of convex polytopes. Discrete Mathematics 102(1): 75-77 (1992)
6EEMichael Tso, Peter Kleinschmidt, Ilse Mitterreiter, Jim Graham: An efficient transportation algorithm for automatic chromosome karyotyping. Pattern Recognition Letters 12(2): 117-126 (1991)
5 Victor Klee, Peter Kleinschmidt: Geometry of the Gass-Saaty Parametric Cost LP Algorithm. Discrete & Computational Geometry 5: 13-26 (1990)
4 Jörg Gretenkort, Peter Kleinschmidt, Bernd Sturmfels: On the Existence of Certain Smooth Toric Varieties. Discrete & Computational Geometry 5: 255-262 (1990)
3EEPeter Kleinschmidt, Carl W. Lee: On k-stacked polytopes. Discrete Mathematics 48(1): 125-127 (1984)
2EEPeter Kleinschmidt: A steinitz-type theorem for the projective plane. Discrete Mathematics 32(1): 53-57 (1980)
1 Bernd Kind, Peter Kleinschmidt: On the Maximal Volume of Convex Bodies with Few Vertices. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 21(1): 124-128 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1Jim Graham [6]
2Jörg Gretenkort [4]
3Andreas Hefner [12]
4Gil Kalai [14]
5Bernd Kind [1]
6Victor Klee [5]
7Carl W. Lee [3]
8G. Meisinger [14]
9Ilse Mitterreiter [6] [8]
10Shmuel Onn [7] [10] [11]
11Christian Rank [8] [13]
12Heinz Schannath [9]
13Bernd Sturmfels [4]
14Michael Tso [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)