2008 |
4 | | Noa Randriamalaka,
Sébastien Iksal,
Christophe Choquet:
Elicitation des indicateurs pour la ré-ingénierie des scénarios pédagogiques: Approche à base de traces utilisant UTL.
2007 |
3 | EE | Noa Randriamalaka,
Sébastien Iksal,
Christophe Choquet:
Indicators' Elicitation Process for Re-Engineering of Learning Scenario: Tracks Approach Based on Usage Tracking Language.
ICALT 2007: 492-496 |
2006 |
2 | EE | Noa Randriamalaka,
Sébastien Iksal:
Patterns Approach in the Re-Engineering Process of Learning Scenario.
ICALT 2006: 799-803 |
2005 |
1 | EE | Noa Randriamalaka:
Design Patterns Approach for Usage Analysis in Re-engineering Process of Learning Systems.
ICALT 2005: 308-310 |