
David Randall

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11EEDavid Martin, Jacki O'Neill, David Randall, Mark Rouncefield: How Can I Help You? Call Centres, Classification Work and Coordination. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 16(3): 231-264 (2007)
10EEDavid Martin, Mark Rouncefield, Jacki O'Neill, Mark Hartswood, David Randall: Timing in the art of integration: 'that's how the bastille got stormed'. GROUP 2005: 313-322
9EERichard H. R. Harper, Rob Procter, David Randall, Mark Rouncefield: 'Safety in numbers': calculation and document re-use in knowledge work. GROUP 2001: 242-251
8EEJohn A. Hughes, Jon O'Brien, David Randall, Tom Rodden, Mark Rouncefield, Peter Tolmie: Getting to know the 'customer in the machine'. GROUP 1999: 30-39
7EEDavid Randall, Mark Rouncefield: Ethnography and Systems Development: Bounding the Intersection (Tutorial). CSCW 1996: 5
6 David Randall, Mark Rouncefield, John A. Hughes: Chalk and Cheese: BPR and ethnomethodogically informed ethnography in CSCW. ECSCW 1995: 325-
5EEMichael Twidale, David Randall, Richard Bentley: Situated Evaluation for Cooperative Systems. CSCW 1994: 441-452
4 John A. Hughes, Ian Sommerville, Richard Bentley, David Randall: Designing with Ethnography: Making Work Visible. Interacting with Computers 5(2): 239-253 (1993)
3EEJohn A. Hughes, David Randall, Dan Shapiro: Faltering from Ethnography to Design. CSCW 1992: 115-122
2EERichard Bentley, John A. Hughes, David Randall, Tom Rodden, Peter Sawyer, Dan Shapiro, Ian Sommerville: Ethnographically-Informed Systems Design for Air Traffic Control. CSCW 1992: 123-129
1EEJohn A. Hughes, David Randall, Dan Shapiro: CSCW: Discipline or Paradigm? A Sociological Perspective. ECSCW 1991

Coauthor Index

1Richard Bentley [2] [4] [5]
2Richard H. R. Harper [9]
3Mark Hartswood [10]
4John A. Hughes [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [8]
5David Martin [10] [11]
6Jon O'Brien [8]
7Jacki O'Neill [10] [11]
8Rob Procter [9]
9Tom Rodden [2] [8]
10Mark Rouncefield [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
11Peter Sawyer [2]
12Dan Shapiro [1] [2] [3]
13Ian Sommerville [2] [4]
14Peter Tolmie [8]
15Michael Twidale (Michael B. Twidale) [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)