
Christophe Ramstein

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6EEChristophe Ramstein, Odile Martial, Aude Dufresne, Michel Carignan, Patrick Chassé, Philippe Mabilleau: Touching and Hearing GUI's: Design Issues for the PC-Access System. International ACM Conference on Assistive Technologies 1996: 2-9
5EEChristophe Ramstein: Combining Haptic and Braille Technologies: Design Issues and Pilot Study. International ACM Conference on Assistive Technologies 1996: 37-44
4 Christophe Ramstein: A multimodal user interface system with force feedback and physical models. INTERACT 1995: 157-162
3 Aude Dufresne, Odile Martial, Christophe Ramstein: Multimodal user interface system for blind and "visually occupied" users: ergonomic evaluation of the haptic and auditive dimensions. INTERACT 1995: 163-168
2EEChristophe Ramstein, Vincent Hayward: The pantograph: a large workspace haptic device for multimodal human computer interaction. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 57-58
1EEChristophe Ramstein: COOPDRAW: a multiagent architecture for a shared graphical editor. CASCON 1993: 758-766

Coauthor Index

1Michel Carignan [6]
2Patrick Chassé [6]
3Aude Dufresne [3] [6]
4Vincent Hayward [2]
5Philippe Mabilleau [6]
6Odile Martial [3] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)