
D. R. Ramírez

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3EET. Alamo, D. R. Ramírez, D. Muñoz de la Peña, Eduardo F. Camacho: Min-max MPC using a tractable QP problem. Automatica 43(4): 693-700 (2007)
2EED. R. Ramírez, Eduardo F. Camacho: Piecewise affinity of min-max MPC with bounded additive uncertainties and a quadratic criterion. Automatica 42(2): 295-302 (2006)
1 D. R. Ramírez, D. Limón, J. Gómez-Ortega, Eduardo F. Camacho: Nonlinear MBPC for Mobile Robot Navigation Using Genetic Algorithms. ICRA 1999: 2452-2457

Coauthor Index

1T. Alamo [3]
2Eduardo F. Camacho [1] [2] [3]
3J. Gómez-Ortega [1]
4D. Limón [1]
5D. Muñoz de la Peña [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)