
Elisabeth Rakus-Andersson

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5EEElisabeth Rakus-Andersson: The Parametric Modification of Fuzzy Sets Constituting a Content of Medical Linguistic Variables. FUZZ-IEEE 2007: 1-6
4EEElisabeth Rakus-Andersson, Claes Jogreus: The Choquet and Sugeno Integrals as Measures of Total Effectiveness of Medicines. IFSA (2) 2007: 253-262
3EEElisabeth Rakus-Andersson: The Greatest and the Least Eigen Fuzzy Sets in Evaluation of the Drug Effectiveness Levels. ICAISC 2006: 982-987
2EELennart Isaksson, Markus Fiedler, Elisabeth Rakus-Andersson: A Fuzzy Set Theory Based Method to Discover Transmissions in Wireless Personal Area Networks. ICWMC 2006: 12
1 Elisabeth Rakus-Andersson, L. Zakrzewski: Factor Analysis with Qualitative Factors as Fuzzy Numbers. HIS 2002: 105-114

Coauthor Index

1Markus Fiedler [2]
2Lennart Isaksson [2]
3Claes Jogreus [4]
4L. Zakrzewski [1]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)