
R. Rajaram

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4EES. Muthuramalingam, R. Malarvizhi, R. Veerayazhini, R. Rajaram: Reducing the Cluster Overhead by Selecting Optimal and Stable Cluster Head through Genetic Algorithm. Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation 2008: 540-545
3EES. Appavu Alias Balamurugan, G. Athiappan, M. Muthu Pandian, R. Rajaram: Classification Methods in the Detection of New Suspicious Emails. IJKM 7(3): 209-217 (2008)
2EEG. Andal Jayalakshmi, H. Prabhu, R. Rajaram: An Adaptive Mobile Robot Path Planner For Dynamic Environments With Arbitrary-Shaped Obstacles. International Journal of Computational Engineering Science 4(1): 67-84 (2003)
1 G. Andal Jayalakshmi, S. Sathiamoorthy, R. Rajaram: A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm - A New Approach to Solve Traveling Salesman Problem. International Journal of Computational Engineering Science 2(2): 339-355 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1G. Athiappan [3]
2S. Appavu Alias Balamurugan [3]
3G. Andal Jayalakshmi [1] [2]
4R. Malarvizhi [4]
5S. Muthuramalingam [4]
6M. Muthu Pandian [3]
7H. Prabhu [2]
8S. Sathiamoorthy [1]
9R. Veerayazhini [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)