
Marcus Raitner

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9EEMarcus Raitner: Visual Navigation of Compound Graphs. Graph Drawing 2004: 403-413
8EEChristian Bachmaier, Franz-Josef Brandenburg, Michael Forster, Paul Holleis, Marcus Raitner: Gravisto: Graph Visualization Toolkit. Graph Drawing 2004: 502-503
7EEMarcus Raitner: Open Problems Wiki. Graph Drawing 2004: 508-509
6EEMarcus Raitner: Dynamic Tree Cross Products. ISAAC 2004: 793-804
5EEMarcus Raitner: HGV: A Library for Hierarchies, Graphs, and Views. Graph Drawing 2002: 236-243
4EEMichael Forster, Andreas Pick, Marcus Raitner, Falk Schreiber, Franz-Josef Brandenburg: The system architecture of the BioPath system. In Silico Biology 2: 37 (2002)
3 Franz-Josef Brandenburg, Michael Forster, Andreas Pick, Marcus Raitner, Falk Schreiber: BioPath Visualization of Biochemical Pathways. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2001: 11-15
2EEFranz-Josef Brandenburg, Michael Forster, Andreas Pick, Marcus Raitner, Falk Schreiber: BioPath. Graph Drawing 2001: 455-456
1EEFranz-Josef Brandenburg, Ulrik Brandes, Michael Himsolt, Marcus Raitner: Graph-Drawing Contest Report. Graph Drawing 2000: 410-418

Coauthor Index

1Christian Bachmaier [8]
2Franz-Josef Brandenburg [1] [2] [3] [4] [8]
3Ulrik Brandes [1]
4Michael Forster [2] [3] [4] [8]
5Michael Himsolt [1]
6Paul Holleis [8]
7Andreas Pick [2] [3] [4]
8Falk Schreiber [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)