
Bas Raijmakers

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3EEYanna Vogiazou, Bas Raijmakers, Erik Geelhoed, Josephine Reid, Marc Eisenstadt: Design for emergence: experiments with a mixed reality urban playground game. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 11(1): 45-58 (2007)
2EEBas Raijmakers, William W. Gaver, Jon Bishay: Design documentaries: inspiring design research through documentary film. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2006: 229-238
1EEYanna Vogiazou, Josephine Reid, Bas Raijmakers, Marc Eisenstadt: A research process for designing ubiquitous social experiences. NordiCHI 2006: 86-95

Coauthor Index

1Jon Bishay [2]
2Marc Eisenstadt [1] [3]
3William W. Gaver (Bill Gaver) [2]
4Erik Geelhoed [3]
5Josephine Reid [1] [3]
6Yanna Vogiazou [1] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)