
M. A. Rahman

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5EESaleh A. Saleh, M. A. Rahman: Performance testing of a 2 Loop RLC WM inverter-fed induction motor drive. ICARCV 2008: 1265-1270
4EEMing Lei, Ismail Lakkis, Chin-Sean Sum, Tuncer Baykas, Jun-Yi Wang, M. A. Rahman, Ryota Kimura, Ryuhei Funada, Y. Shoji, Hiroshi Harada, Shuzo Kato: Hardware Impairments on LDPC Coded SC-FDE and OFDM in Multi-Gbps WPAN (IEEE 802.15.3c). WCNC 2008: 442-446
3EEM. A. S. K. Khan, T. S. Radwan, M. A. Rahman: Wavelet Packet Transform Based Protection of Disturbances in Three-Phase Interior Permanent Magnet Motor Fed from Sinusoidal PWM Voltage Source Inverter. CCECE 2006: 178-181
2EEM. A. S. K. Khan, O. Ozgonenel, M. A. Rahman: Real Time Implementation of a Wavelet Power Based Algorithm for Three-Phase Synchronous Generator Protection. CCECE 2006: 182-185
1EEMomotaz Begum, Nurun Nahar, Kaneez Fatimah, M. K. Hasan, M. A. Rahman: An Efficient Algorithm for Codebook Design in Transform Vector Quantization. WSCG 2003

Coauthor Index

1Tuncer Baykas [4]
2Momotaz Begum [1]
3Kaneez Fatimah [1]
4Ryuhei Funada [4]
5Hiroshi Harada [4]
6M. K. Hasan [1]
7Shuzo Kato [4]
8M. A. S. K. Khan [2] [3]
9Ryota Kimura [4]
10Ismail Lakkis [4]
11Ming Lei [4]
12Nurun Nahar [1]
13O. Ozgonenel [2]
14T. S. Radwan [3]
15Saleh A. Saleh [5]
16Y. Shoji [4]
17Chin-Sean Sum [4]
18Jun-Yi Wang [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)