
Arash Rafiey

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29EEGregory Gutin, Arash Rafiey, Anders Yeo: Minimum Cost Homomorphism Dichotomy for Oriented Cycles. AAIM 2008: 224-234
28EEAlireza Hadj Khodabakhshi, Ján Manuch, Arash Rafiey, Arvind Gupta: Structure-Approximating Design of Stable Proteins in 2D HP Model Fortified by Cysteine Monomers. APBC 2008: 49-58
27 Alireza Hadj Khodabakhshi, Ján Manuch, Arash Rafiey, Arvind Gupta: Inverse protein folding in 3D hexagonal prism lattice under HP model. BIOCOMP 2008: 619-625
26EEAlireza Hadj Khodabakhshi, Ján Manuch, Arash Rafiey, Arvind Gupta: A Robust Class of Stable Proteins in the 2D HPC Model. BIRD 2008: 180-192
25EEArvind Gupta, Mehdi Karimi, Eun Jung Kim, Arash Rafiey: Minimum Cost Homomorphism Dichotomy for Locally In-Semicomplete Digraphs. COCOA 2008: 374-383
24EEArvind Gupta, Pavol Hell, Mehdi Karimi, Arash Rafiey: Minimum Cost Homomorphisms to Reflexive Digraphs. LATIN 2008: 182-193
23EEGregory Gutin, Arash Rafiey, Anders Yeo: Minimum cost homomorphisms to semicomplete multipartite digraphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(12): 2429-2435 (2008)
22EEGregory Gutin, Pavol Hell, Arash Rafiey, Anders Yeo: A dichotomy for minimum cost graph homomorphisms. Eur. J. Comb. 29(4): 900-911 (2008)
21 Arvind Gupta, Mehdi Karimi, Alireza Hadj Khodabakhshi, Ján Manuch, Arash Rafiey: Design of Artificial Tubular Protein Structures in 3D Hexagonal Prism Lattice Under HP Model. BIOCOMP 2007: 362-369
20EEArvind Gupta, Pavol Hell, Mehdi Karimi, Arash Rafiey: Minimum Cost Homomorphisms to Reflexive Digraphs CoRR abs/0708.2514: (2007)
19EEArvind Gupta, Gregory Gutin, Mehdi Karimi, Eun Jung Kim, Arash Rafiey: Minimum Cost Homomorphisms to Locally Semicomplete and Quasi-Transitive Digraphs CoRR abs/0712.0804: (2007)
18EEGregory Gutin, Arash Rafiey, Stefan Szeider, Anders Yeo: The Linear Arrangement Problem Parameterized Above Guaranteed Value. Theory Comput. Syst. 41(3): 521-538 (2007)
17EEGregory Gutin, Arash Rafiey, Stefan Szeider, Anders Yeo: The Linear Arrangement Problem Parameterized Above Guaranteed Value. CIAC 2006: 356-367
16 Changiz Eslahchi, Arash Rafiey: C-Perfect K-Uniform Hypergraphs. Ars Comb. 79: (2006)
15EEGregory Gutin, Pavol Hell, Arash Rafiey, Anders Yeo: Minimum Cost Homomorphisms to Proper Interval Graphs and Bigraphs CoRR abs/cs/0602038: (2006)
14EEGregory Gutin, Arash Rafiey, Anders Yeo: Minimum Cost Homomorphisms to Semicomplete Bipartite Digraphs CoRR abs/cs/0608101: (2006)
13EEGregory Gutin, Arash Rafiey, Anders Yeo, Michael Tso: Level of repair analysis and minimum cost homomorphisms of graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(6): 881-889 (2006)
12EEGregory Gutin, Arash Rafiey, Anders Yeo: Minimum cost and list homomorphisms to semicomplete digraphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(6): 890-897 (2006)
11EEGregory Gutin, Arash Rafiey, Simone Severini, Anders Yeo: Hamilton cycles in digraphs of unitary matrices. Discrete Mathematics 306(24): 3315-3320 (2006)
10EEGregory Gutin, Arash Rafiey, Anders Yeo: On n-partite Tournaments with Unique n-cycle. Graphs and Combinatorics 22(2): 241-249 (2006)
9EEJinfeng Feng, Hans-Erik Giesen, Yubao Guo, Gregory Gutin, Tommy R. Jensen, Arash Rafiey: Characterization of edge-colored complete graphs with properly colored Hamilton paths. Journal of Graph Theory 53(4): 333-346 (2006)
8EEGregory Gutin, Arash Rafiey, Anders Yeo, Michael Tso: Level of Repair Analysis and Minimum Cost Homomorphisms of Graphs. AAIM 2005: 427-439
7EEGregory Gutin, Arash Rafiey, Anders Yeo: Minimum Cost and List Homomorphisms to Semicomplete Digraphs CoRR abs/cs/0507017: (2005)
6EEGregory Gutin, Arash Rafiey, Anders Yeo: Minimum Cost Homomorphisms to Semicomplete Multipartite Digraphs CoRR abs/cs/0509091: (2005)
5EEGregory Gutin, Arash Rafiey, Stefan Szeider, Anders Yeo: The Linear Arrangement Problem Parameterized Above Guaranteed Value CoRR abs/cs/0511030: (2005)
4EEGregory Gutin, N. Jones, Arash Rafiey, Simone Severini, Anders Yeo: Mediated digraphs and quantum nonlocality. Discrete Applied Mathematics 150(1-3): 41-50 (2005)
3 Changiz Eslahchi, Arash Rafiey: Circular Chromatic Number of Hypergraphs. Ars Comb. 73: (2004)
2EEGregory Gutin, Arash Rafiey: When n-cycles in n-partite tournaments are longest cycles. Discrete Mathematics 289(1-3): 163-168 (2004)
1 M. Karimi Behbahani, Arash Rafiey, Mehrdad Shahshahani: On Skeletons Attached to Grey Scale Images. ICMLA 2002: 282-288

Coauthor Index

1M. Karimi Behbahani [1]
2Changiz Eslahchi [3] [16]
3Jinfeng Feng [9]
4Hans-Erik Giesen [9]
5Yubao Guo [9]
6Arvind Gupta [19] [20] [21] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28]
7Gregory Gutin [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [17] [18] [19] [22] [23] [29]
8Pavol Hell [15] [20] [22] [24]
9Tommy R. Jensen [9]
10N. Jones [4]
11Mehdi Karimi [19] [20] [21] [24] [25]
12Alireza Hadj Khodabakhshi [21] [26] [27] [28]
13Eun Jung Kim [19] [25]
14Ján Manuch [21] [26] [27] [28]
15Simone Severini [4] [11]
16Mehrdad Shahshahani [1]
17Stefan Szeider [5] [17] [18]
18Michael Tso [8] [13]
19Anders Yeo [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [17] [18] [22] [23] [29]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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