
Vlasta Radová

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7EEAles Padrta, Vlasta Radová: On the Background Model Construction for Speaker Verification Using GMM. TSD 2004: 425-432
6EEJosef Psutka, Pavel Ircing, Josef V. Psutka, Vlasta Radová, William J. Byrne, Veera Venkataramani, Jan Hajic, Samuel Gustman: Towards Automatic Transcription of Spontaneous Czech Speech in the MALACH Project. TSD 2003: 214-219
5EEJosef Psutka, Pavel Ircing, Josef V. Psutka, Vlasta Radová, William J. Byrne, Jan Hajic, Samuel Gustman, Bhuvana Ramabhadran: Automatic Transcription of Czech Language Oral History in the MALACH Project: Resources and Initial Experiments. TSD 2002: 253-260
4EEZdenek Svenda, Vlasta Radová: Speaker Identification Using Kalman Cepstral Coefficients. TSD 2000: 295-300
3EEVlasta Radová, Josef Psutka: Recording and Annotation of the Czech Speech Corpus. TSD 2000: 319-323
2EEVlasta Radová, Petr Vopálka: Methods of Sentences Selection for Read-Speech Corpus Design. TSD 1999: 165-170
1EEVlasta Radová, Zdenek Svenda: Speaker Identification Based on Vector Quantization. TSD 1999: 341-344

Coauthor Index

1William J. Byrne (William Byrne) [5] [6]
2Samuel Gustman [5] [6]
3Jan Hajic [5] [6]
4Pavel Ircing [5] [6]
5Ales Padrta [7]
6Josef Psutka [3] [5] [6]
7Josef V. Psutka [5] [6]
8Bhuvana Ramabhadran [5]
9Zdenek Svenda [1] [4]
10Veera Venkataramani [6]
11Petr Vopálka [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)