
Amir Hamed Mohsenian Rad

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13EEAmir Hamed Mohsenian Rad, Jianwei Huang, Vincent W. S. Wong, Sidharth Jaggi, Robert Schober: Inter-Session Network Coding with Strategic Users: A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Network Coding CoRR abs/0904.2921: (2009)
12EEAmir Hamed Mohsenian Rad, Vincent W. S. Wong, Victor C. M. Leung: Two-Fold Pricing to Guarantee Individual Profits and Maximum Social Welfare in Wireless Access Networks. GLOBECOM 2008: 4889-4894
11EEAmir Hamed Mohsenian Rad, Vincent W. S. Wong: Distributed Multi-Interface Multi-Channel Random Access. GLOBECOM 2008: 5409-5414
10EEVahid Shah-Mansouri, Amir Hamed Mohsenian Rad, Vincent W. S. Wong: Multicommodity Lifetime Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks with Multiple Sinks. ICC 2008: 3225-3229
9EEAmir Hamed Mohsenian Rad, Vincent W. S. Wong: Cross-Layer Fair Bandwidth Sharing for Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(9): 3436-3445 (2008)
8EEEnrique Stevens-Navarro, Amir Hamed Mohsenian Rad, Vincent W. S. Wong: On Optimal Admission Control for Multi-Service Cellular/WLAN Interworking. GLOBECOM 2007: 5042-5047
7EEShahab Moradi, Amir Hamed Mohsenian Rad, Vincent W. S. Wong: A Novel Scheduling Algorithm for Video Traffic in High-Rate WPANs. GLOBECOM 2007: 742-747
6EEAmir Hamed Mohsenian Rad, Vincent W. S. Wong: Partially Overlapped Channel Assignment for Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks. ICC 2007: 3770-3775
5EEAmir Hamed Mohsenian Rad, Vincent W. S. Wong: Joint Channel Allocation, Interface Assignment and MAC Design for Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks. INFOCOM 2007: 1469-1477
4EEAmir Hamed Mohsenian Rad, Vincent W. S. Wong: Joint logical topology design, interface assignment, channel allocation, and routing for multi-channel wireless mesh networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(12): 4432-4440 (2007)
3EEAmir Hamed Mohsenian Rad, Vincent W. S. Wong: Logical Topology Design and Interface Assignment for Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks. GLOBECOM 2006
2EEMohammad Haeri, Amir Hamed Mohsenian Rad: Adaptive model predictive TCP delay-based congestion control. Computer Communications 29(11): 1963-1978 (2006)
1EEYuxia Lin, Amir Hamed Mohsenian Rad, Vincent W. S. Wong, Joo-Han Song: Experimental comparisons between SAODV and AODV routing protocols. WMuNeP 2005: 113-122

Coauthor Index

1Mohammad Haeri [2]
2Jianwei Huang [13]
3Sidharth Jaggi [13]
4Victor C. M. Leung [12]
5Yuxia Lin [1]
6Shahab Moradi [7]
7Robert Schober [13]
8Vahid Shah-Mansouri [10]
9Joo-Han Song [1]
10Enrique Stevens-Navarro [8]
11Vincent W. S. Wong [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)