
Peter Rüffer

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4EEAmilcar do Carmo Lucas, Sven Heithecker, Peter Rüffer, Rolf Ernst, Holger Rückert, Gerhard Wischermann, Karin Gebel, Reinhard Fach, Wolfgang Huther, Stefan Eichner, Gunter Scheller: A reconfigurable HW/SW platform for computation intensive high-resolution real-time digital film applications. DATE 2006: 194-199
3EEK. Henriss, Peter Rüffer, Rolf Ernst, S. Hasenzahl: A Reconfigurable Hardware Platform for Digital Real-Time Signal Processing in Television Studios. FCCM 2000: 285-286
2 Peter Rüffer, Björn Fiethe, Fritz Gliem: Mars Pathfinder Image Compression Compared to a Wavelet-Coder for Future Space Explorations. ICIP (2) 1998: 297-301
1 E. Krahn, Fritz Gliem, Harald Michalik, Peter Rüffer: Der Instrumentenrechner der Halley Multicolour Camera. ARCS 1986: 72-83

Coauthor Index

1Stefan Eichner [4]
2Rolf Ernst [3] [4]
3Reinhard Fach [4]
4Björn Fiethe [2]
5Karin Gebel [4]
6Fritz Gliem [1] [2]
7S. Hasenzahl [3]
8Sven Heithecker [4]
9K. Henriss [3]
10Wolfgang Huther [4]
11E. Krahn [1]
12Amilcar do Carmo Lucas [4]
13Harald Michalik [1]
14Holger Rückert [4]
15Gunter Scheller [4]
16Gerhard Wischermann [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)