
Denis Réal

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4EEDenis Réal, Vivien Dubois, Anne-Marie Guilloux, Frédéric Valette, M'hamed Drissi: SCARE of an Unknown Hardware Feistel Implementation. CARDIS 2008: 218-227
3EEPierre-Alain Fouque, Denis Réal, Frédéric Valette, M'hamed Drissi: The Carry Leakage on the Randomized Exponent Countermeasure. CHES 2008: 198-213
2EEDenis Réal, Cécile Canovas, Jessy Clédière, M'hamed Drissi, Frédéric Valette: Defeating classical Hardware Countermeasures: a new processing for Side Channel Analysis. DATE 2008: 1274-1279
1EEPierre-Alain Fouque, Reynald Lercier, Denis Réal, Frédéric Valette: Fault Attack onElliptic Curve Montgomery Ladder Implementation. FDTC 2008: 92-98

Coauthor Index

1Cécile Canovas [2]
2Jessy Clédière [2]
3M'hamed Drissi [2] [3] [4]
4Vivien Dubois [4]
5Pierre-Alain Fouque [1] [3]
6Anne-Marie Guilloux [4]
7Reynald Lercier [1]
8Frédéric Valette [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)