
Jiqing Qiu

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11EEJiqing Qiu, Hongjiu Yang, Yuanqing Xia, Jinhui Zhang: Mean Square Exponential Stability of Uncertain Stochastic Hopfield Neural Networks with Interval Time-Varying Delays. ICIC (2) 2007: 110-119
10EEJiqing Qiu, Zhifeng Gao, Jinhui Zhang: New Stochastic Stability Criteria for Uncertain Neural Networks with Discrete and Distributed Delays. ICIC (2) 2007: 120-129
9EEJiqing Qiu, Jinhui Zhang, Zhifeng Gao, Hongjiu Yang: New Global Asymptotic Stability Criterion for Uncertain Neural Networks with Time-Varying and Distributed Delays. ISNN (1) 2007: 871-878
8EEJiqing Qiu, Hongjiu Yang, Jinhui Zhang: Optimal Guaranteed Cost Control for a Class of Uncertain Systems with both State and Input Delays via Delta Operator Approach. SNPD (3) 2007: 417-422
7EELianqing Su, Zhifeng Gao, Jiqing Qiu, Peng Shi: Robust Stability of Uncertain Cellular Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays. SNPD (3) 2007: 423-426
6EEJiqing Qiu, Jinhui Zhang: New Robust Stability Criterion for Uncertain Fuzzy Systems with Fast Time-Varying Delays. FSKD 2006: 41-44
5EEJiqing Qiu, Jinhui Zhang, Lianqing Su, Peng Shi: New Robust Stability Criteria for Uncertain Neutral System with Severe Time-Varying Delay and Nonlinear Uncertainties. ICICIC (2) 2006: 615-618
4EEJinhui Zhang, Jiqing Qiu, Peng Shi: New Robust Stability Criteria for Uncertain Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays. ICICIC (3) 2006: 648-651
3EEYanping Guo, Yujun Zhu, Jiqing Qiu: Multiple positive solutions for higher-order boundary value problems with sign changing nonlinearities. Appl. Math. Lett. 17(3): 329-336 (2004)
2EEFachao Li, Wu Congxin, Jiqing Qiu, Lianqing Su: Platform type fuzzy number and separability of fuzzy number space. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 117(3): 347-353 (2001)
1EEJiqing Qiu, Wu Congxin, Fachao Li: On the restudy of fuzzy complex analysis: Part II. The continuity and differentiation of fuzzy complex functions. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 120(3): 517-521 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Wu Congxin [1] [2]
2Zhifeng Gao [7] [9] [10]
3Yanping Guo [3]
4Fachao Li [1] [2]
5Peng Shi [4] [5] [7]
6Lianqing Su [2] [5] [7]
7Yuanqing Xia [11]
8Hongjiu Yang [8] [9] [11]
9Jinhui Zhang [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11]
10Yujun Zhu [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)