
Jaime Puig-Pey

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8EEAkemi Gálvez, Angel Cobo, Jaime Puig-Pey, Andrés Iglesias: Particle Swarm Optimization for Bézier Surface Reconstruction. ICCS (2) 2008: 116-125
7EEAkemi Gálvez, Andrés Iglesias, Angel Cobo, Jaime Puig-Pey, Jesús Espinola: Bézier Curve and Surface Fitting of 3D Point Clouds Through Genetic Algorithms, Functional Networks and Least-Squares Approximation. ICCSA (2) 2007: 680-693
6EEJaime Puig-Pey, Akemi Gálvez, Andrés Iglesias, José Rodríguez, Pedro Corcuera, Flabio Gutiérrez: Some applications of scalar and vector fields to geometric processing of surfaces. Computers & Graphics 29(5): 719-725 (2005)
5EEAkemi Gálvez, Jaime Puig-Pey, Andrés Iglesias: A Differential Method for Parametric Surface Intersection. ICCSA (2) 2004: 651-660
4EEJaime Puig-Pey, Akemi Gálvez, Andrés Iglesias: Helical Curves on Surfaces for Computer-Aided Geometric Design and Manufacturing. ICCSA (2) 2004: 771-778
3EEJaime Puig-Pey, Akemi Gálvez, Andrés Iglesias: A New Differential Approach for Parametric-Implicit Surface Intersection. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 897-906
2EEJaime Puig-Pey, Akemi Gálvez, Andrés Iglesias: Polar Isodistance Curves on Parametric Surfaces. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2002: 161-170
1EEAndrés Iglesias, Akemi Gálvez, Jaime Puig-Pey: Computational Methods for Geometric Processing. Applications to Industry. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2001: 698-707

Coauthor Index

1Angel Cobo [7] [8]
2Pedro Corcuera [6]
3Jesús Espinola [7]
4Akemi Gálvez [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
5Flabio Gutiérrez [6]
6Andrés Iglesias [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
7José Rodríguez [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)