
Angel Cobo

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6 Rocío Rocha, Margarita Alonso, Angel Cobo: Using Swarm Intelligence Techniques in Document Management Systems. IC-AI 2008: 560-565
5EEAkemi Gálvez, Angel Cobo, Jaime Puig-Pey, Andrés Iglesias: Particle Swarm Optimization for Bézier Surface Reconstruction. ICCS (2) 2008: 116-125
4EEAkemi Gálvez, Andrés Iglesias, Angel Cobo, Jaime Puig-Pey, Jesús Espinola: Bézier Curve and Surface Fitting of 3D Point Clouds Through Genetic Algorithms, Functional Networks and Least-Squares Approximation. ICCSA (2) 2007: 680-693
3EEEnrique Castillo, Angel Cobo, Ruslán Gómez-Nesterkin, Ali S. Hadi: A general framework for functional networks. Networks 35(1): 70-82 (2000)
2 Enrique Castillo, José Manuel Gutiérrez, Angel Cobo, Carmen Castillo: A Minimax Method for Learning Functional Networks. Neural Processing Letters 11(1): 39-49 (2000)
1EEEnrique Castillo, Angel Cobo, José Manuel Gutiérrez, Rosa Eva Pruneda: Functional networks with applications: a neural-based paradigm [Book Review]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 10(4): 982-982 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Margarita Alonso [6]
2Carmen Castillo [2]
3Enrique Castillo [1] [2] [3]
4Jesús Espinola [4]
5Akemi Gálvez [4] [5]
6Ruslán Gómez-Nesterkin [3]
7José Manuel Gutiérrez [1] [2]
8Ali S. Hadi [3]
9Andrés Iglesias [4] [5]
10Rosa Eva Pruneda [1]
11Jaime Puig-Pey [4] [5]
12Rocío Rocha [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)