
Qiangguo Pu

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5EEYing Li, Hong Pu, Qiangguo Pu: The Application of the System Parameter Fusion Principle to Assessing University Electronic Library Performance. IEEE ICCI 2006: 929-934
4 Qiangguo Pu: The Principle for Synthesizing Measurements of Multiple System Parameters into a Single Parameter and its Quality Functions. IC-AI 2003: 150-153
3 Qiangguo Pu, Yong Wu: The Application of System Parameter Fusion Principle to Evaluating the Level of Real Estate Enterprise Informatization. IC-AI 2003: 538a-
2 Qiangguo Pu: The System Parameter Fusion Principle and its Application to Monitoring an Ultra-Energy Efficient House. IKE 2003: 303-307
1 Qiangguo Pu, Haili Xia: The Application of the System Parameter Fusion Principle to Evaluating the Core Competence of the Corporation. IRI 2003: 160-166

Coauthor Index

1Ying Li [5]
2Hong Pu [5]
3Yong Wu [3]
4Haili Xia [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)