
Octavian Prostean

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5EENicolae Budisan, Ioan Filip, Octavian Prostean, Iosif Szeidert, Lucian Mihet-Popa: Considerations regarding the Induction Generator's Self-Excitation within Energy Power Stations. SACI 2007: 257-261
4EEDan Ungureanu-Anghel, Octavian Prostean: An Untimed Petri Net Model for an Automatic Transport System with Accumulation Areas. SACI 2007: 279-284
3EEIoan Filip, Octavian Prostean, Iosif Szeidert, Cristian Vasar, Gabriela Prostean: Self-tuning Control Using External Integrator Loop for a Synchronous Generator Excitation System. ETFA 2006: 997-1000
2 Ioan Filip, Octavian Prostean, Iosif Szeidert, Cristian Vasar: Design and Simulation of an Adaptive Control System with Application to Excitation Control of a Synchronous Generator. Modelling, Identification and Control 2003: 629-634
1 Ioan Filip, Octavian Prostean, Daniel Curiac: Tuning Considerations above a Fuzzy Controller Used for the Synchronous Generator. Fuzzy Days 1999: 632-641

Coauthor Index

1Nicolae Budisan [5]
2Daniel Curiac (Daniel-Ioan Curiac) [1]
3Ioan Filip [1] [2] [3] [5]
4Lucian Mihet-Popa [5]
5Gabriela Prostean [3]
6Iosif Szeidert [2] [3] [5]
7Dan Ungureanu-Anghel [4]
8Cristian Vasar [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)